Freedom Convoy applauds Federal government rescinding Emergencies Act but cautions there is still much to be done Français
OTTAWA, Feb. 23, 2022 /CNW/ - Leaders of Taking Back our Freedoms (, a national organization chaired by former Premier Brian Peckford supporting Freedom Convoy 2022, are applauding the federal government decision to rescind the Emergencies Act, but caution that there is still much more for all levels of government in Canada to do.
"Rescinding the Emergency Order is a good step, but there is still a great deal for governments to do to restore the trust that they have so brazenly abused, not just recently, but for two years," cautioned George Bears, President of TBOF. "Our objectives remain unchanged: the lifting of all unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on Canadians' personal liberties, and the establishment of safeguards to ensure that a similar assault of those liberties is impossible in the future. Unless this happens, we may well see a resumption of the protests in Ottawa, but on a wider and larger scale. "
TBOF leaders are also demanding the swift release of those currently being held in jail without bail and the dropping of all charges related to the peaceful demonstration in Ottawa. "It is unconscionable to continue holding anyone in jail at this stage – especially a grandmother like Tamara Liche – whose only 'crime' was to exercise her fundamental right to demonstrate peacefully against government policy," said Roy Beyers, executive director of TBOF.
TBOF leaders were particularly thankful of the efforts of truckers across the country, and of the tens of thousands of Canadians who came to their defence, bombarding MPs' and Senators' offices with messages of support for Freedom Convoy 2022 and demands that the Trudeau Government's use of the Emergencies Act be rejected.
"We were informed this afternoon that Mr. Trudeau did not have the votes in the Senate to confirm his use of this draconian Act," explained George Bears,, "hence his decision to rescind the Order himself. Canadians spoke, and their representatives listened – reluctantly perhaps, but they listened nevertheless. Democracy is not dead in Canada after all."
SOURCE Taking Back our Freedoms

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