Gaining Traction: Mapping a Future for Women in Trades
OTTAWA, Nov 20. 2018 /CNW/ - November 6 & 7 in Halifax, NS, the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) hosted apprentices, tradeswomen, representatives from women's organizations, labour groups, employers, educators and jurisdictional apprenticeship authorities at the inaugural Supporting Women in Trades Conference. More than 350 delegates gathered to share ideas and engage in conversation about female participation in the skilled trades. Participants perceive the skilled trades as a viable career option for women, believe there is an opportunity to be successful and a rising tide to remove barriers women encounter pursuing careers in which they are traditionally under-represented.
The conference agenda showcased promising practices and the many great initiatives underway across Canada to attract, prepare, up-skill and support women in the skilled trades. A learning track designed specifically for female apprentices, practicing tradeswomen and those engaged in work that addresses barriers was offered. The group of tradeswomen pictured below is one of the largest ever-assembled in Canada.
Increasing the representation of female apprentices in Canada from 12% was identified as a top priority. Other key focus areas are: creating awareness for girls at an earlier age about the opportunities that exist in the skilled trades, improving workplace communication to create inclusive and respectful workplaces, and engaging more employers in the benefits of hiring and training women. CAF-FCA intends to be the catalyst for moving the needle on this conversation about women in the trades. A Road Map to Supporting Women in Trades resulting from conversations at the event is now in development and will be published early next year.
Plans for the 2019 Supporting Women in Trades Conference are already underway.
SOURCE Canadian Apprenticeship Forum

contact Shawn Watson: [email protected]
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