Germany Hits Record Investment Levels
Number of jobs created also reaches a new high
BERLIN, May 20, 2016 /CNW/ - Germany attracted more than 2,300 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects in 2015, according to federal economic development agency Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI).
Together with the 16 federal states, GTAI registered more than 1,900 projects in new settlements, corporate expansions and relocations with a planned value of around €6.2 billion. The number of projects shows an increase of around 60% on the previous year and a new record. Added to these were more than 400 mergers or acquisitions.
China was the top investor with 260 projects, a whisker in front of the USA at 252. Those two were followed by Switzerland (203), the UK (127) and Holland (105). The bulk - more than 40% - of all the projects were from the EU.
Two-thirds of the companies involved in the projects have revealed their likely job creation numbers, which will total more than 30,000. This is also a hefty increase on 2014 and another new record.
"These kinds of figures reinforce the attractiveness of Germany as an investment location to foreign companies, as well as the importance of FDI in job creation," said Achim Hartig, Managing Director of GTAI. According to recent figures, some 60,000 foreign companies are invested in Germany currently, with investments worth some 461,600 billion Euros. As a result, around three million people can thank FDI projects for their jobs.
The most popular sectors for investment in 2015 were corporate and financial services (18%), closely followed by ICT and software (15%). The strategic intentions behind many investments were also relevant, as they hinted at long-term relationships.
"Even more pleasing is that 15 per cent of the companies are looking at Germany as a production and research location, evidence of our reputation for quality and pioneering abilities," concluded Mr. Hartig.
Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward investment agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization advises foreign companies looking to expand their business activities in the German market, and provides information on foreign trade to German companies that seek to enter into foreign markets. All inquiries relating to Germany as a business and investment location are treated confidentially. All investment services are available at no charge.
SOURCE Germany Trade and Invest

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