Every Mining Investment Newsletter Writer has Screamed…
Out from Under the Pressure of a Five-Year Bear Market in Commodities.
Better yet, there's a company we were starting to cover last week when the substantial resistance to gold's price broke down, from the low $1,200s (USD), give or take $50… to this break-through moment.
NEVADA, May 10, 2016 /CNW/ - BonTerra Resources Inc. (BTR: TSX-V)'s Abitibi Greenstone Belt properties have been reporting what every gold proponent wants to hear…
Exceptional grades over strong intervals in both last year's drill programs and continuing through the first part of 2016.
The two recent headlines from the company speak for themselves, with both good intervals and great grades:
"BonTerra Extends Main Zone to West with 10 m of 9.3 g/t Au, and Discovers New South Zone with 3.0m of 20.7 g/t Au at its Gladiator Gold Project"
"BonTerra Drills 3.3 m of 29.0 g/t Au and 5.7 m of 24.3 g/t Au in Main Zone and in New Mineralized Zones to the West of its Gladiator Gold Project".
What always intrigues us about 'company generators', to coin a phrase, such as Nav Dhaliwal and Dale Ginn, is consistency. Time after time some people just seem to get it right, and since almost 'all boats are rising' right now, their timing for these great discovery holes is perfect. To be sure, not all boats are rising, however taking a look at their stock chart recently, the key for us is the steady volume... a sure sign of investor confidence. Also, a sure sign of a 'sea-change'.
The Abitibi itself is a world famous gold-producing area, as their website describes:
"BonTerra's Gladiator Project is located in the Urban-Barry Greenstone Belt within the Abitibi Subprovince. The Abitibi Subprovince hosts numerous deposits and has produced over 180 million ounces of gold. Globally, it is considered one of the most prolific and gold-endowed, Archean Subprovince. Major regional crustal shear zones cross the Abitibi and is considered the plumbing system for these significant gold deposits."
Here are early 2016 results, proving the point.
Drilling Program Update and Highlights:
- Drilled 5.0 m of 15.3 g/t Au in Hole BA-16-02, new zone (North Shear 1);
- Drilled 6.0 m of 10.4 g/t Au in Hole BA-16-04;
- Drilled 3.3 m of 29.0 g/t Au in Hole BA-16-05, new zone (South);
- Drilled 5.7 m of 24.3 g/t Au in Hole BA-16-09;
Pretty impressive numbers.
Digging even deeper, so to speak, we find that their website and Corporate Presentation uncover a pretty well-substantiated claim of future potential, not the least of which is the 'proximal play' of the Abitibi itself; with tonnage and grade estimates continually surpassing expectations and 'proving out' nicely.
See www.BonTerraResources.com, and view their Presentation here:
In our quest to help you start your Due Diligence process, we can check off Jurisdiction, Government Support, Community Connections, School Involvement and Training Programs, as well as Dale's distinction as Native Advocate. All of the above are indicators of how a well-run company can advance good results into a company-maker. What every shareholder wants to benefit from.
We'd like to think we're uncovering a 'diamond in the rough' and now it's just a matter of how big it is.
Plans for 2016 include the following:
"2016 Exploration Program
- Fully financed for winter and spring exploration program on Gladiator Project
- Up to 25,000 meter drill program expanded to two drill rigs to extend and expand the known Gladiator zones."
We look forward to hearing how BonTerra will capitalize on the recent up-tick in the gold price, and given the good intercepts and great grades, now expect a lot.
For STREET REPORT, by David W. O'Brien, who owns no equity in the company (BonTerra), and is intent on generating a 'critiqued' interest in the prospect… the start of anyone's Due Diligence toward investing. Ask your Financial Advisor before making a buying decision.
SOURCE Street Reports

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