Gold Fields Limited: Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Publications
JOHANNESBURG, April 30, 2013 /CNW/ - Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) (JSE, NYSE, NASDAQ Dubai: GFI) has published its Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves supplement to the 2012 Integrated Annual Review on the Gold Fields website at
The Gold Fields Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Supplement 2012 is made up as follows:
- The Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Overview, which provides a comprehensive overview of Gold Fields' Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves status on a Group, Regional and Project basis;
- Six operational Technical Short Form Reports, which give an in-depth review of each operation; and a
- Technical Short Form Report of Gold Fields' Exploration and Growth Projects.
As at 31 December 2012, Gold Fields Limited (excluding Sibanye Gold) had total attributable gold Mineral Resources of 125.5 million ounces (31 December 2011: 119.2 million ounces) and Mineral Reserves of 54.9 million ounces (31 December 2011: 56.1 million ounces).
The Gold Fields Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Supplement 2012 excludes the gold Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves of its previously 100% held subsidiary, Sibanye Gold Limited (Sibanye Gold), formerly known as GFI Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited (GFIMSA), prior to the unbundling and listing of Sibanye Gold in February 2013.
Notes to editors
About Gold Fields
Gold Fields (following the unbundling of Sibanye Gold) is a large unhedged producer of gold with attributable annual production of approximately 2 million gold ounces from six operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa. The new Gold Fields also has an extensive and diverse global growth pipeline with four major projects in resource development and feasibility. The new Gold Fields has total attributable gold Mineral Reserves of 54.9 million ounces and Mineral Resources of 125.5 million ounces. Gold Fields is listed on the JSE Limited (primary listing), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ Dubai Limited, Euronext in Brussels (NYX) and the Swiss Exchange (SWX). In February 2013, Gold Fields unbundled its KDC and Beatrix mines in South Africa into a separately listed company, Sibanye Gold
Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities Limited
SOURCE: Gold Fields Limited

Willie Jacobsz
Tel: +27-11-562-9775
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Email: [email protected]
Remmy Kawala
Tel: +27-11-562-9844
Mobile: +27-82-312-8692
email: [email protected]
Sven Lunsche
Tel: +27-11-562-9763
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