Gold Fields Publishes Integrated Annual Review for the Year to 31 December 2012
JOHANNESBURG, March 28, 2013 /CNW/ - Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) (JSE, NYSE, NASDAQ Dubai: GFI) today published the Integrated Annual Review 2012 and the Annual Financial Report 2012 on its website. The Integrated Annual Review will be posted to shareholders by 8 April 2013.
The Integrated Annual Review and the Annual Financial Report incorporate all aspects of the Group's business, including reviews of the South African, West African, Australasian and South American operations, the Group's exploration activities, as well as detailed financial, operational and sustainable development information.
KPMG have audited the results and their unqualified audit report is open for inspection at the company's offices.
An abridged report has not been published as the information previously published in the reviewed preliminary condensed consolidated results on 14 February 2013 has not changed.
The Integrated Annual Review (plus supporting online information), the Notice to the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Financial Report are available at
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is given of the annual general meeting of the Company to be held at 150 Helen Road, Sandown, Sandton, on Thursday, 9 May 2013 at 09:00. The AGM will transact the business as stated in the notice of that meeting, a copy of which can be found - with the Integrated Annual Report - on the company's website at
In terms of section 59(1) (b) of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, the record date for the purpose of determining which shareholders are entitled to participate in and vote at the AGM (being the date on which a shareholder must be registered in the Company's securities register in order to participate in and vote at the AGM) as Friday, 3 May 2013.
Notes to editors
About Gold Fields
Gold Fields is a significant unhedged producer of gold with attributable annualised production of 2.1 million gold equivalent ounces from six operating mines in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa. Gold Fields also has an extensive and diverse global growth pipeline with four major projects at resource development and feasibility level. Gold Fields International has total managed gold-equivalent Mineral Reserves of 64 million ounces and Mineral Resources of 155 million ounces. Gold Fields is listed on the JSE Limited (primary listing), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ Dubai Limited, Euronext in Brussels (NYX) and the Swiss Exchange (SWX). In February 2013, Gold Fields unbundled its KDC and Beatrix mines in South Africa into a separately listed company, Sibanye Gold.
Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities Limited
SOURCE: Gold Fields Limited

Willie Jacobsz
Tel: +27-11-562-9775 or +1-857-241-7127 (USA)
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Remmy Kawala
Tel: +27-11-562-9844
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Sven Lunsche
Tel: +27-11-562-9763
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