Government funds urban deer culls even though they don't work.
Let's examine the facts:
TORONTO, Dec. 13, 2016 /CNW/ - Cranbrook has culled urban deer since 2011, killing 25 that year, 24 in 2013, 4 in 2015 and 20 in 2015/16. The purpose is to reduce the number of mule deer in the City.
"Yet the number of mule deer grew from 96 in 2010 to 116 in 2015, so the results are exactly opposite to the intended purpose and shows that culls don't work." said Liz White, Director, Animal Alliance of Canada.
"In addition, clover traps capture any deer that ventures inside," continued White. "In 2015/16, half of the animals killed were White-tailed deer and juveniles – not the target animals."
"Interestingly, despite an increased mule deer population, the number of complaints of aggressive deer declined to a five year low of 18 and twelve years of Ministry data shows that only 3 aggressive deer were destroyed in Cranbrook during that entire time."
"The Ministry should fund non-lethal alternatives, such as relocation and contraceptives that have broad support and do not kill innocent animals and divide communities," White concluded.
SOURCE Animal Alliance of Canada

Liz White: 416-809-4371 - Animal Alliance is a federal non- profit animal protection organization.
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