Government of Canada Launches Initiative to Breathe New Life into Atlantic Canadian Main Streets Français
Investments support efforts to reanimate main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods
MONCTON, NB, March 18, 2022 /CNW/ - Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Atlantic Canada's main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods are vibrant spaces where people gather to enjoy all that our urban and rural communities have to offer. These spaces drive the economy by being hubs of social, economic and cultural activity.
For more than two years, public health restrictions have made it necessary for businesses throughout Atlantic Canada, particularly those in the arts and culture, tourism and hospitality, and small retail businesses to shut down or to limit operations. These businesses are found in communities of all sizes, and often operated by women and under-represented groups. As restrictions begin to ease, the Government of Canada is committed to breathing new life into main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods, where many of these hard-hit businesses reside.
Tapping the potential of local and regional collaboration
Today, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA, announced a new initiative to fuel local economies by supporting community-led projects that bring more people to main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods. As Atlantic Canadians make plans beyond their social "bubbles", the Rediscover Main Streets initiative will foster collaboration that will create events, increase marketing and promotion of local institutions and happenings, and encourage residents and others to visit main streets, downtowns, and neighbourhoods.
Through the Rediscover Main Streets initiative, ACOA will contribute up to $10 million to provide funds to non-profit organizations across Atlantic Canada, including business improvement associations, tourism associations, chambers of commerce, and destination marketing organizations to help them generate new ideas that inspire locals and tourists alike to rediscover all that their main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods have to offer.
Non-profit organizations are encouraged to team up to take a problem-solving, active approach to drive consumers back to vibrant activity hubs. By supporting these locally and provincially tailored initiatives, the Government of Canada is taking real action to build a strong and resilient economy that is innovative, diverse and inclusive.
"Our main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods are at the heart of our vibrant rural and urban communities here in Atlantic Canada. The new Rediscover Main Streets initiative will foster collaboration and generate new innovative ideas and projects to encourage residents and visitors to come out and enjoy everything our communities have to offer."
- the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA
Quick facts
- ACOA will accept applications for the Rediscover Main Streets initiative from April 4, until April 29, 2022.
- More information on deadlines and eligibility criteria is available on ACOA's website.
- The Rediscover Main Streets initiative complements other federal, provincial and municipal measures to help businesses and communities build back better.
- Since the beginning of the pandemic, ACOA has invested just under half a billion dollars to help businesses and organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting more than 5,000 jobs in communities across the region.
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- Backgrounder:
New Rediscover Main Streets Initiative to Reanimate Main Streets, Downtowns and Neighbourhoods
Since public health restrictions forced many Atlantic Canadian businesses to shut down or reduce their operations, communities have come together to support their local businesses. To that end, the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA, announced a new initiative to breathe more life into Atlantic Canadian main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods.
The Rediscover Main Streets initiative will complement other federal, provincial and municipal support measures by investing in activities that inspire locals and tourists to re-experience Atlantic Canada's main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods. As health restrictions ease and people begin to make plans beyond their social "bubbles" for the first time in a long time, this measure will also help:
- bring consumers back to their community main streets, downtowns and neighbourhoods;
- bring back arts and culture events that had been cancelled or reduced by health measures;
- support collaborative projects by non-profits that bring people back to the businesses hardest hit by the pandemic, helping them build capacity;
- increase community engagement through new partnerships;
- entice Atlantic Canadians to explore their provinces on a local and regional level;
- help build an inclusive economy through projects that support underrepresented groups and take into consideration their unique challenges.
The Government of Canada will be investing up to $10 million in non-profit organizations such as business improvement associations, tourism associations, chambers of commerce, and destination marketing organizations to create projects and activities that will encourage people to revisit and rediscover what their downtowns, main streets and neighbourhoods have to offer. Funds for the Rediscover Main Streets initiative will be disbursed through the existing Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program.
Examples of projects might include:
- A local chamber of commerce working with its membership to design a local culinary offering highlighting the foods and culture of the local area, by offering packages for food, events and accommodations (Eat, stay, play type of packages).
- An incorporated non-profit organization supporting the animation of rural or urban vacant storefronts by facilitating and encouraging pop up initiatives (ex. pop-up food and retail events).
- A non-profit organization working with municipalities to organize events to draw people to the community (open-air markets, street performers, art exhibitions, outdoor concerts, or movies-in-the-park).
- A non-profit tourism association partnering with festivals and events happening across the region, promoting their tourism assets in the downtown cores.
- A destination marketing organization adding value and impact to an existing festival by adding new programming, experiences or features - such as light shows, improved sound, extended hours, or art installations - to attract more people and encourage them to stay longer.
- A regional association working with a city/town to implement a marketing campaign that highlights the importance of buying local, as well as adding new marketing activities that highlight the assets of the offerings in the downtown/community main street.
Applications will be accepted from April 4, 2022, to April 29, 2022, from non-profit organizations such as business improvement associations, tourism associations, chambers of commerce, and destination marketing organizations.
Contributions under this new initiative will be non-repayable; and could cover up to 100 percent of eligible costs. Contributions will range from $25,000 to $500,000 for targeted initiatives. Larger region-wide projects could receive more on a case-by-case basis. Information on eligible and non-eligible costs and activity is available on ACOA's website.
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SOURCE Opportunities NB

Marianne Blondin, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA, [email protected]; Media Relations, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, [email protected]
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