OTTAWA, Oct. 16, 2018 /CNW/ - At the request of the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, will visit West Africa from October 23 to 30, 2018. She will undertake State visits to Burkina Faso, from October 23 to 26; to the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, from October 26 to 28; and to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, from October 28 to 30. Her Excellency will return to Canada on October 31.
Her visit to West Africa will be an opportunity to highlight Canada's strong commitment on the African continent by emphasizing issues our countries are facing, including the importance of youth involvement in society, equality of opportunity, inclusion and diversity, democracy, access to education, promoting science and innovation, the impacts of climate change and the need to support the arts and culture.
To strengthen the people-to-people ties and promote various aspects of Canada abroad, the Governor General will be accompanied by an official delegation. The names of the members of the delegation will be made public in a news release shared at a later date.
Times are indicated in local time.
Tuesday, October 23
9:40 p.m.
Arrival in Ouagadougou
The Governor General will be greeted by His Excellency Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, President of Burkina Faso, Mr. Edmond Wega, Ambassador of Canada to Burkina Faso, and representatives of the Burkinabè government. There will be a brief meeting with the President at the airport.
Ouagadougou International Airport
OPEN TO MEDIA —Upon the Governor General's arrival and during the first minute of the brief meeting with the President
Wednesday, October 24
9:30 a.m.
Official welcoming ceremony
The Governor General will be officially welcomed during a ceremony where she will receive military honours and inspect the guard of honour.
Presidential Palace
10 a.m.
Meeting with the President of Burkina Faso
Her Excellency will meet with President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré to discuss bilateral relations between Canada and Burkina Faso.
Presidential Palace
OPEN TO MEDIA — At the beginning of the meeting
10:20 a.m.
Joint media availability
Following their meeting, the Governor General and the President of Burkina Faso will deliver a statement to the media, after which they will take a few questions.
Presidential Palace
11:15 a.m.
Gesture in memory of the victims of the Burkina Faso terrorist attacks
Her Excellency will lay a wreath at the marker put up in memory of the victims of terrorist attacks.
On January 15, 2016, hotels and restaurants in the Burkina's capital came under terrorist attack, resulting in 30 deaths, including 6 Canadians, and more than 70 wounded. The capital has since had two other attacks: the first, in August 2017, that resulted in the deaths of 19 people, including 2 Canadians, and 22 wounded; the second, in March 2018, which had 8 victims and more than 80 wounded. The marker is located near the attack of January 15, 2016.
Central median, between the Splendid Hotel and Cappuccino restaurant
11:45 a.m.
Discussion with Canadian cooperants
The Governor General and the Canadian delegation will meet with Canadian cooperants working in Burkina Faso to better understand the reality of those engaging in development assistance.
3:50 p.m.
Meeting with the Speaker of the National Assembly
The Governor General will meet with His Excellency Alassane Bala Sakandé, Speaker of the National Assembly of Burkina Faso.
National Assembly
OPEN TO MEDIA – At the beginning of the meeting
4:15 p.m.
Speech to the National Assembly
The Governor General will address the members of the National Assembly. The themes will include education, inclusion, diversity, the importance of making room for youth and the impacts of climate change.
National Assembly
7:45 p.m.
State dinner
Her Excellency will attend a State dinner held in her honour by President Kaboré. The President and the Governor General will deliver brief remarks.
Presidential Palace
OPEN TO MEDIA —During remarks
Thursday, October 25
9 a.m.
Visit to an elementary school
The Governor General and the Canadian delegation will visit an elementary school in the Koubri Department, on the outskirts of Ouagadougou. Students, their parents, the school principal and some faculty members will be on hand to discuss their day-to-day lives.
École primaire de Koubri receives assistance from the Basic Education Strategic Development Program. This important development assistance program in Burkina Faso, partly funded by Canada, is expanding access to quality education for girls and strengthening governance in the basic education sector.
École primaire de Koubri
10:40 a.m.
Visit to the Fondation Rama
Accompanied by the Canadian delegation, the Governor General will meet with women who have experienced obstetric fistulas who, having been rejected by their community, have been taken in by the Fondation Rama.
Founded in 2006 and officially recognized in 2010, the Fondation Rama is a community structure supporting women who have experienced an obstetric fistula/prolapse by covering the necessary surgical costs. It also offers training in weaving, soap making and market gardening to help with their reintegration into society.
Fondation Rama
2:30 p.m.
Visit to the Lycée scientifique de Ouagadougou
Her Excellency will speak with students from this high school, which focuses on the sciences (mathematics, physics and chemistry, life and earth sciences). She will talk about her career and the importance of pursuing science and technology.
The Lycée scientifique welcomed its first cohort of 30 students, half of whom were girls, in October 2017. A second cohort of 30 students began classes on October 1, 2018.
Lycée scientifique, Kamboinsin Campus, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering
3:30 p.m.
Visit to the International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE)
The Governor General and the Canadian delegation will visit the 2iE laboratories to speak with students conducting research on technologies for adapting to climate change.
2iE trains engineers-entrepreneurs specializing in water and sanitation, energy and electricity, the environment and sustainable development, civil engineering and mines, and management and entrepreneurship. For more information, visit
Kamboinsin Campus, International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering
6:30 p.m.
Friends of Canada reception
On the occasion of her State visit to Burkina Faso, Her Excellency will meet with individuals who have made continued and exceptional efforts in promoting and enhancing the Canada-Burkina Faso relationship.
Friday, October 26
9 a.m.
Visit to the Salon international de l'artisanat de Ouagadougou (SIAO)
The Governor General and Canadian delegation will visit the Salon international de l'artisanat de Ouagadougou (SIAO) a few hours before the site's official opening.
The SIAO is one of the largest fairs of its kind in Africa which features all manner of African arts and crafts. The event, which brings together more than 3000 artists and artisans and draws 5000 professional visitors (collectors and exporters) and more than 100 000 tourists, is a blend of exhibits and cultural and artistic activities. The featured country this year is Madagascar.
Salon international de l'artisanat de Ouagadougou
Friday, October 26
12:15 p.m.
Arrival in Abidjan
Upon arrival in Abidjan, Her Excellency will be greeted by Mr. Daniel Kablan Duncan, Vice-President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Ms. Julie Shouldice, Ambassador of Canada to the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, and representatives of the Ivorian government. The Garde Rouge will also be present.
Abidjan Félix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport
1:25 p.m.
Official welcoming ceremony
The Governor General will be officially greeted by His Excellency Alassane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. During the ceremony, the Governor General will receive military honours and inspect the Garde Rouge.
Presidential Palace
1:50 p.m.
Expanded meeting with the President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and government representatives
The Governor General and members of the Canadian delegation will meet with President Ouattara and representatives of the Ivorian government to discuss topics of mutual interest to Canada and Côte d'Ivoire.
Presidential Palace
OPEN TO MEDIA —At the beginning of the meeting
2 p.m.
Her Excellency will attend a lunch held in her honour by President Ouattara.
15:10 p.m.
Joint media availability
Following their meeting, the Governor General and the President will deliver a statement to the media.
Presidential Palace
5:30 p.m.
Presentation of honorary citizenship scroll and keys to the city
The Governor General will receive an honorary citizenship scroll and the keys to the city from Mr. Robert Beugré Mambé, Minister-Governor of the Abidjan Autonomous District.
Abidjan Autonomous District Hotel
8 p.m.
State dinner
Her Excellency will attend a State dinner held in her honour by President Ouattara. The Governor General and the President will deliver brief remarks.
Salle des Pas perdus, Grand Palais
OPEN TO MEDIA – During remarks
Saturday, October 27
10:15 a.m.
Visit to the Cargill project and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
The Governor General and the Canadian delegation will visit a cocoa plantation to learn more about the challenges of this industry. They will be able to see the efforts of this sector's stakeholders to respond to the threat of climate change and to reduce deforestation resulting from cocoa cultivation.
Supported by a financial contribution from Canada, IFC and Cargill, an agricultural multinational, are working to ensure the sustainability of cocoa cultivation and increase revenues and the resiliency of cocoa farmers. Susceptible to temperature changes and therefore vulnerable to climate change, cocoa supports one fifth of the Ivorian population.
Cocoa plantation, Djékanou, Toumodi District
Saturday, October 27
12:30 p.m.
Working luncheon with women elected to political office in Côte d'Ivoire and customary chiefs
Her Excellency and the Canadian delegation will meet with women elected to the Senate and National Assembly, as well as with female Ivorian ministers. Customary chiefs will also take part in the discussion.
Hotel President
2:30 p.m.
Presentation to the Institut national polytechnique Houphouët-Boigny (INPHB)
The Governor General will speak with the students of the INPHB about her experience, training as an engineer, science background and the importance of pursuing their dreams. Following her presentation, she will take questions from students.
The INPHB is a regional leader in training engineers in West Africa. For more information, visit (French only).
Ange Barry-Battesti Amphitheatre, INPHB
Saturday, October 27
7:30 p.m.
Friends of Canada reception
On the occasion of her State visit to Côte d'Ivoire, Her Excellency will meet with individuals who have made continued and exceptional efforts in promoting and enhancing the Canada-Côte d'Ivoire relationship.
Sunday, October 28
10 a.m.
Visit to the N'Zima Royal Palace and traditional naming ceremony
The Governor General will meet with His Majesty Tanoé Amon Désiré, King of the N'Zima-Kotoko, and Guetia 2, the Queen Mother, during a traditional greeting at the N'Zima Royal Palace, in the French Quarter of Grand-Bassam.
N'Zima Royal Palace
10:45 a.m.
Visit to the Historic Town of Grand-Bassam
The Governor General and the Canadian delegation will visit part of the French Quarter of Grand-Bassam, designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2012.
The first capital of Côte d'Ivoire, Grand-Bassam is an example of a late 19th- and early 20th-century colonial town planned with quarters specializing in commerce, administration, housing for Europeans and housing for the Indigenous population.
French Quarter of Gand-Bassam
Sunday, October 28
4:35 p.m.
Arrival in Abuja
Upon arrival in Abuja, Her Excellency will be greeted by Mr. Geoffrey Onyeama, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohammed Bello, Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, and Ms. Amy Galigan, Acting High Commissioner of Canada to Nigeria. A guard of honour will also be present.
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport
Monday, October 29
8:45 a.m.
Meeting with students and professors of the African University of Science and Technology
The Governor General and Canadian delegation will meet with teams of graduate students at the master's and doctoral levels and teachers who will present the findings of their cutting-edge research. Her Excellency will then deliver remarks in which she will describe her own career path and the importance of science and innovation. The remarks will be followed by a question period with the students.
African University of Science and Technology
11 a.m.
Meeting with the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
The Governor General will speak with His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, President of Nigeria, to discuss bilateral relations between Canada and Nigeria.
Office of the President, Presidential Villa
OPEN TO MEDIA — Upon the arrival of the Governor General
11:45 a.m.
Joint media availability
Following their meeting, the Governor General and the President will deliver a statement to the media.
Presidential Villa
12 p.m.
State luncheon
Her Excellency will attend a State luncheon held in her honour by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
1:30 p.m.
Visit to the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) and presentation to students
The Governor General will be greeted by Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, Minister of Science and Technology, before taking part in a discussion with representatives of the Agency on Nigeria's efforts in the aerospace field. Her Excellency will then give a presentation on space to primary and secondary students. Following the presentation, she will visit technical laboratories before visiting the National Space Museum, where she will donate a personal memento from space before meeting with the media.
6 p.m.
Meeting with young leaders of civil society
On the occasion of her visit to Nigeria, the Governor General will speak with young Nigerian leaders to learn more about their interests, ambitions and motivations.
Tuesday, October 30
10 a.m.
Opening of a new biosecurity laboratory
Accompanied by Dr. Jide Idris, Commissioner for Health in Lagos State, the Governor General will open a new biosecurity laboratory located on the grounds of Mainland Hospital in Yaba, where the isolation unit used by Lagos to contain the 2014 Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak was located.
Funded by Canada in partnership with Lagos State, the laboratory will serve as a single repository for all high-concentration pathogens in Lagos State. The laboratory will also help the State to mitigate post-EVD threats and build capacity for prevention, detection and response to future outbreaks in Nigeria and West Africa.
Mainland Hospital
11:10 a.m.
Visit with students participating in the CodeLagos computer literacy program
Her Excellency will visit a public school to interact with students taking part in the CodeLagos program and talk to them about her background in informatics. During this time, members of the Canadian delegation will give presentations on their own experiences and careers in other classrooms.
The CodeLagos Program is an initiative of the Lagos State government to offer an education rooted in computer programming skills to over one million Lagosians, including youth in marginalized communities. For more information, visit
Akande Dahunsi Memorial Senior High School
PHOTO OP – Group photo at the end of the visit
1 p.m.
Lunch discussion with members of the Lagos business community
The Governor General will deliver brief opening remarks on the occasion of this lunch discussion, which will bring together members of the Lagos business community.
5 p.m.
Arts and Culture Friends of Canada reception
On the occasion of her State visit to Nigeria, Her Excellency will meet with individuals who have made continued and exceptional efforts in promoting and enhancing the Canada-Nigeria relationship. The event will also provide an opportunity to celebrate the vitality of the arts and culture scene in Lagos.
Members of the public can follow the Governor General's visits to Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria on Facebook and Twitter, and online at, where speeches, photos and videos will be posted.
Media wishing to obtain photos of the visit can contact the Rideau Hall Press Office.
This itinerary is subject to change without notice.
To obtain the latest updates, please visit
Follow GGJuliePayette and RideauHall on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
SOURCE Governor General of Canada

Media information: Julie Rocheleau, Rideau Hall Press Office, 613-990-2997, 613-302-0249 (cell.), [email protected]
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