Launched earlier this fall with a commitment from the real estate firm to provide 1,000 laptop computers at no cost to youth in the Jane and Finch community, the company today announced that it was doubling its pledge - to 2,000 laptops - and challenging its colleagues in the Toronto real estate sector to join the challenge.
"We're asking our colleagues at banks, advisory firms, media companies and real estate groups to get involved by way of monetary donations or donations of new or used laptops that Greenwin will refurbish," said Kevin Green, President & CEO of Greenwin. "Kids have been isolated from friends and depression and anxiety rates have skyrocketed. Many school-aged youth are in situations where there are three, four, five kids to one computer."
Led through the real estate company's social responsibility division, Greenwin Cares, Laptops for Learning will see computers distributed to students in the Jane and Finch community and throughout the GTA, in collaboration with Toronto Police Service's 31 Division.
The program has been championed by community leaders, and local politicians like Councillor Anthony Perruzza, MPP Tom Rakocevic and Toronto Police Chief James Ramer.
"Youth in vulnerable neighbourhoods face unique challenges as a result of the pandemic," added Mark Tenaglia of TPS 31 Division's Community Police Liaison Committee. "Forced too often into remote learning situations as local schools respond to the Covid-19 crisis, many of these kids are facing a lack of resources and access to the necessary technology that will allow them to learn online, or participate in the social programs available to them online."
A portion of the initial 1,000 computers has been distributed, while the remaining commitment is being prepared for distribution through 31 Division in the new year.
"Local leaders consider this vital, but 1,000 laptops only scratches the surface," Green added. "So today we're doubling that commitment, but we need to do more, and grow that contribution by the thousands.
"It's a big goal, but with the support of some friends, it's achievable."
About Greenwin Cares
Founded in 1999, Greenwin Cares is part of Greenwin Corp.'s commitment to social impact. Working to understand and isolate problems of suburban development, socioeconomic deprivation and cultural dislocation, programming addresses issues that empower communities to achieve greater resident satisfaction. Through tailored initiatives that address education, technology, sports, job readiness, empowerment and more, Greenwin Cares aims to build thriving communities and ensure no one is left behind.
About 31 Division CPLC
All of the 17 police divisions throughout the City of Toronto, including Traffic Services, have a CPLC to provide advice and assistance to the local unit commander and to work in partnership with local police officers towards improving safety and security in local communities. Our goal is to work together in identifying, prioritizing and problem-solving local policing issues by being proactive in community relations, crime prevention, education, mobilization, and communication. All of this is achieved by acting as a resource to the police and the community.
SOURCE Greenwin Corp.

For more media, contact: Danny Roth, Brandon Communications, (416) 414-9064, [email protected]
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