GWR Resources Expands Gold Discovery at Lac La Hache
ARMSTRONG, BC, July 15 /CNW/ - GWR Resources Inc. (TSX Venture: GWQ) is very pleased to report continued, positive results from drilling conducted as follow-up to the previously announced (May 27, 2010) gold-rich mineralization intersected earlier this year within the Aurizon South Zone at the Lac La Hache Project in central British Columbia. The impressive and deep, high-grade intersection within vertical hole AZS10-21 (1.36 gpt Au, 0.31 % Cu over 137m from 477 to 614 m, including two 10 m intervals exceeding 5 gpt Au and another 8 m interval exceeding 3.6 gpt Au) has been confirmed as a relatively shallow-angle cut through a well defined near-vertical structure. Subsequent drilling (see new assay results below) has been re-oriented to better reflect the true width of the zone. Correlation with previously drilled holes, geophysical/geochemical anomalies and new drilling results supports interpretation of a variably (5 to 30 meter) wide, approximately 060-degree bearing structure that extends from surface outcrops to a drilled vertical depth of more than 600 meters and has a strike ranging from a minimum of 170 to possibly 630 meters (or more). Various maps, sections and diagrams depicting the structure and related mineralized trends are provided at under the heading "Lac La Hache Project".
President Irvin Eisler states "We are delighted with the increasing importance of gold within our Lac La Hache Project at a time of high and escalating world gold prices, and we look forward to continuing good news as our summer exploration continues".
Drill testing of this large structure is limited to a dozen or so historical and new intersections, but early results suggest gold and silver grades may increase with depth and vary laterally, ranging from a few to several grams per tonne over 2 to 10 meter core intervals, within broader zones of lower but still economic grades. Grades of 5 to over 15 gpt Au over 8-meter core intervals have been intersected within hydrothermal breccia along the structure in several locations (AZS08-07, AZS09-13, AZS09-15, AZS10-21 and others).
The structure appears long-lived, cutting both mineralized monzonitic intrusive and host Nicola volcanic rocks and containing narrow, fine-grained relatively unaltered, possible younger volcanic dikes. Hydrothermal breccia occurs throughout the known extent of the trend and is associated with the higher grades of gold, copper, silver and other metals. Alteration is characterized by quartz-albite, hematite, epidote, yellow garnet, orange potassic and other styles. Mineralization includes disseminated, fracture-filling and massive chalcopyrite, fine grained bornite, barren and gold-cobalt-bearing pyrite, magnetite in hairline-to-cm thick stringers. Visible native gold and gold-silver alloys (tentatively identified as argentite and electrum have been observed in quartz-albite (AZS09-16).
Although the genetic relationship of this structure to the Aurizon Central Zone porphyry-gold-copper mineralization is currently unknown, the presence of intense hydrothermal brecciation suggests a possible physical link either laterally, at depth or both. To aid interpretation, a detailed ground magnetic survey is currently underway. Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) samples collected in 2008 and 2009 appear to respond well to the gold, copper and silver "signature" of the associated mineralization, defining the possible northeastern extension. Multigram silver concentrations within the zone not only increase value, they offer "pathfinder" assistance in drill core, bedrock and soil and geochemical data.
Assays from three recently completed holes (AZS10-22, AZS10-23, AZS10-24) drilled at 25m intervals along the trend are summarized below. A fourth hole (AZS10-25) is currently underway and results will be released when received. As previously reported, these holes pierce the zone at a relatively shallow depth of approximately 250 m below surface, and are positioned to confirm the local strike of the structure and test its true width at that location. The length of the intersections, the visual characteristics of the cores (alteration, brecciation, lithology, etc) and associated mineralization reported below confirm continuity and width of the structure. For example AZS10-22 cut a 60 m interval, which corresponds to a true zone width of approximately 21 m. Short, high-gold intersections are not included below, but these include several 1-2 gpt assays over 2 meters, ranging up to 7 gpt Au over 2 meters in hole AZS10-23. These new intersections lie within the structure, vertically above the (previously reported) multi-gram gold values within DDHs AZS08-07 (50 m below), AZS08-11 (250 m below), 08-13 (75 m below) and 08-15 (125 m below), demonstrating variation of the potentially economic grades within the zone.
---------------- NAD 83 Zone 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direc- Inter- DDH E N Dip tion Length Au Ag Cu val From To ------------------------------------------------------------------------- degrees degrees m gpt gpt % m m m ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZS10-22 617880 5757880 -70 150 292 0.37 0.7 0.09 60 211 271 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZS10-23 617862 5757869 -70 150 419.7 0.86 3.4 0.81 12 251 263 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.41 1.8 0.21 22 291 313 ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZS10-24 617902 5757894 -70 150 343.5 0.59 1.2 0.27 34 221 255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AZS10-25 617841 5757856 -70 150 * *drilling in progress -------------------------------------------------------------------------
GWR will systematically test the extent and grade of this exciting new gold-silver-copper trend, the Aurizon South Gold Zone. Our preliminary grade-tonnage calculations are not compliant, based on very limited drill sampling, but suggest an underground mining approach may be plausible given the geometry and tenor of the zone, perhaps in combination with an open pit operation. Similar parallel trends indicated by MMI, Deep-IP, magnetic and historical drilling offer additional potential elsewhere. These, combined with the known porphyry-style copper-gold-silver and magnetite-copper-gold-silver skarn zones further enhance the potential value of the Lac La hache Property.
GWR's recently optioned Sainte Sabine gold-copper-zinc property is located in an emerging gold belt located in the Beauce region of south eastern Quebec, along strike and adjacent to Golden Hope Mines Limited's Bellechasse Property, where recent drilling and bulk sampling has produced significant gold results. Please see GWR's news releases dated June 29 and July 8, 2010 as well as recent updates to GWR's website at
The Company maintains a quality assurance/quality control program that conforms to the requirements of National Instrument 43-101. Rob Shives, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person (as defined by NI43-101) who accepts responsibility for the technical content of this news release.
This news release may contain "forward-looking statements". Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual development or results may vary materially from those in these "forward looking statements".
About GWR Resources Inc.
GWR RESOURCES INC. is an active mineral exploration company currently exploring for gold and base metals on two properties within Canada. The Lac La Hache copper-gold porphyry project hosts multiple zones containing commercial grades of gold, copper, silver and magnetite. The project is located in British Columbia's prolific Quesnel Trough between producing mines at Imperial Metals' Mt. Polley Copper-Gold Mine and New Gold Inc.'s New Afton Copper-Gold project (Teck-Cominco's legendary Afton mine). The Lac La Hache project is well-served by rail, road and power infrastructure.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For further information: Responsible Officer: Irvin Eisler, President, Company Telephone Number: (250) 546-8048
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