Holiday Give campaign calls for donors - Donors needed this holiday season to give blood and hope to patients Français
OTTAWA, Nov. 21, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ - Canadian Blood Services recruitment teams hit the streets today in locations across the country to launch Canadian Blood Services' holiday Give campaign. Volunteers and blood recipients joined staff in select cities to let potential donors know the best gift they can give this holiday season is blood.
Surveys have shown the top reason people do not donate blood is because they have not been asked. Recruitment teams are a way to connect with and encourage people to consider becoming a blood donor.
A total of 100,000 new donors are needed before the end of March 2017 to maintain the national blood supply and meet the needs of Canadian patients who require blood transfusions. So far, since April, 45,000 new donors have come forward while another 55,000 are still needed in the next five months.
There is an even greater need for new donors this season because of new iron eligibility guidelines introduced recently to promote the health and wellness of blood donors. As a result, some donors won't be able to donate as frequently. Canadian Blood Services has also introduced new technology in blood clinics to make giving life easier for donors.
"There's a lot to cheer about at Canadian Blood Services this holiday season," says Mark Donnison, vice president of donor relations. "The move towards a digital environment is resulting in a better overall experience for donors. It also supports Canadian Blood Services' commitment to innovating. As we work to bring new donors in to compensate for changes in eligibility, the digital experience is a great asset."
Canadian Blood Services is counting on eligible Canadians to start a new tradition this holiday season and book a first appointment to donate blood by downloading the GiveBlood app or visiting
As part of the Give campaign the organization has developed a shareable video e-card that highlights how the gift of life makes even the simplest moments possible.
About Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Blood Services manages the national supply of blood, blood products and stem cells, and related services for all the provinces and territories (excluding Quebec). We operate an integrated, pan-Canadian service delivery model that includes leading an interprovincial system for organ donation and transplantation. Our national scope, infrastructure and governance make us unique in the Canadian healthcare landscape. Canadian Blood Services is regulated as a biologics manufacturer by Health Canada and primarily funded by the provincial and territorial ministries of health. Canadian Blood Services is a not-for-profit charitable organization.
SOURCE Canadian Blood Services

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