illuxi launches workshop series on cannabis in the workplace in partnership with two recognized experts: Mtre. Rhéaume Perreault, CIRC, C.Adm., and Mtre. Charles Wagner, CHRP Français
MONTRÉAL, March 19, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - illuxi Intelligence is proud to announce a partnership with two lawyers from the Fasken firm specialized in the impact of cannabis on the workplace. With the coming into force of the federal Cannabis Act and the Quebec government's Cannabis Regulation Act, companies must now inform their executives, senior managers and employees about various aspects of this new issue. This simulation is divided in two sections: Employees and Employers.
illuxi's workshops are interactive and immersive simulations aimed at private and public sector executives, senior managers and employees, as well as members of professional orders or associations.
The simulations are presented as interactive movies called "experiences," whose narratives adapt to participants' individual progress. Participants answer questions, interact with the movie and make decisions related to the workshop theme.
These online experiences drastically reduce the overall time spent on training, while enhancing its efficiency through participants' active involvement. In some cases, the approach also allows participants to benefit from Mtres Perreault and Wagner's expertise through more traditional workshops.
"Working with experts like Mtres Perreault and Wagner gives us a competitive edge as far as content goes," illuxi president and founder Geneviève Desautels explained enthusiastically. "Our training experiences turn managers, employees and executives into active players rather than the mere spectators they usually are in traditional workshops. Moreover, our participants provide us with important information about themselves so that we can cater follow-up to their needs. Developed in Quebec by a talented team, this innovative and relevant product runs on our own proprietary platform."
"We're able to create high-quality simulations relatively quickly thanks to the participation of recognized experts on each theme, at the extremely competitive price of 100$ per person. The simulation on the impact of cannabis on the workplace is a shining example of this," said Marc-André Lanciault, illuxi's vice president and chief technology officer.
"I'm pleased to be associated with illuxi's mission with respect to the unique issue of the arrival of cannabis on the legal market because I do think the topic needs to be addressed in a novel way," said Charles Wagner. "Given today's complex and ever-evolving workplaces, interacting with and mastering customized learning represents a very exciting and promising opportunity," added Rhéaume Perreault.
About illuxi Intelligence
Headquartered in Montréal, illuxi Intelligence designs, produces, hosts and broadcasts multilingual immersive simulations. illuxi's simulations, whose narratives adapt to participants' progress as they make strategic and tactical decisions, drastically reduce both time spent on training and the associated costs, while enhancing learning efficiency. illuxi produces three broad types of immersive and interactive workshops: custom experiences, experiences addressing generic topical issues, and micro-learning experiences, which are short, interactive and centred on quick and efficient daily learning.
About Mtre. Rhéaume Perreault, CIRC, C.Adm.
Partner, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
Rhéaume Perreault is a negotiator, speaker, seasoned lawyer, certified human resources professional and certified administrator. For the past several years, he has been listed as one of the leading lawyers in Canada in labour and employment law.
Due to his considerable expertise in managing the impact of cannabis legalization on companies, Mtre. Perreault is often invited to train managers on this issue.
He is also a well-known author who has published a number of works and hundreds of articles, many of them discussing substance abuse in the workplace.
Social engagement is one of Mtre. Perreault's core values, as his work with community-based agencies and charitable organizations testifies.
About Mtre. Charles Wagner, CHRP
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin
Charles Wagner is a lawyer, speaker, workshop facilitator and certified human resources professional specialized in labour and employment law. He is often invited to provide training on a variety of subjects, including the impact of cannabis legalization on the workplace.
In fact, he is a widely respected authority on this issue, having co-authored "La légalisation de la marijuana – ses effets et ses conséquences dans le milieu de travail" [Marijuana legalization: Its impact and consequences on the workplace][j1] for the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (CRHA).
Mtre. Wagner is a member of the Barreau du Québec's Groupe de réflexion sur la légalisation du cannabis au Canada, and he was one of this policy group's representatives before the parliamentary committee on Bill 157. He often receives media requests for interviews on the topic.
SOURCE Intelligence Illuxi Inc.

Kathy Chaput, Content and media, 1-866-983-6837, [email protected]
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