The Conference Board of Canada briefing: Can't Go it Alone. Immigration is Key to Canada's Growth Strategy
OTTAWA, May 3, 2019 /CNW/ - Immigration is the central solution to counter the impending labour market crunch. By 2030, all 9.2 million of Canada's baby boomers will have reached retirement age—placing Canada under economic and fiscal pressure.
"Immigration really does matter to Canada and the report Can't Go It Alone highlights that our economy depends on immigration and that we continue to make a concerted effort to attract the best talent from around the world to fill labour shortages today and for the future," said Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
"Can't Go it Alone quantifies how immigration is the most powerful fuel to replenish our workforce numbers," said Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist at The Conference Board of Canada, adding that "These solutions, including better labour market integration for underrepresented groups, identify how to maintain a growing labour force to stimulate economic activity, as well as the tax revenues required to fund vital social expenditures such as rising health care costs."
- Between 2018 and 2040, 13.4 million workers will exit the labour force, far greater than the 11.8 million that will leave Canadian schools to replace them.
- Due to its aging population and low fertility rate, Canada needs new sources of talent to enter the labour force to maintain its high living standards.
- Improved participation rates could add 2.2 million workers to the labour force by 2040, including more women, Indigenous people, and persons with disabilities, as well as $101 billion to the economy.
- Immigration will remain a formative solution, accounting for all of Canada's net labour force growth—3.7 million workers—and one-third of the economic growth rate between 2018 and 2040.
A copy of the report is available by emailing [email protected] or at
On May 8th and 9th, The Conference Board of Canada will continue the national dialogue on immigration by hosting The Canadian Immigration Summit 2019, Expanding Our Horizons (in Ottawa). The Summit will set the stage to examine how Canada can adapt to key domestic and international drivers of economic, social, and technological change that are likely to influence our immigration system over the next decade. Find a complete list speakers and agenda for The Canadian Immigration Summit 2019.
The Conference Board of Canada is the country's leading independent research organization. Our mission is to empower and inspire leaders to build a stronger future for all Canadians through our trusted research and unparalleled connections. Follow The Conference Board of Canada on Twitter.@ImmigrationCBoC, @ConfBoardofCda #ExpandingOurHorizons
SOURCE Conference Board of Canada

Media contacts: Claire M. Tallarico, [email protected], 416-616-9940; Aline Lafrenière, [email protected] or [email protected], 819-664-1564
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