Impact Mobile Teams With Simon & Schuster & Atria Books To Provide Digital eBook Vouchers For Author Speaking Engagements
BARCELONA, Spain, Feb. 25, 2013 /CNW/ - MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS -- Impact Mobile has teamed up with Simon & Schuster / Atria Books to provide digital eBook vouchers that allow authors to more effectively distribute their eBooks to a large audience. The eBook vouchers are unique codes that are pre-purchased by a sponsor or any third party; they can be distributed online or via mobile and redeemed as a free book download by event audiences at author speaking engagements and book signings. This vouchering system enables authors to quickly and efficiently distribute their digital eBooks at speaker events and to communities of interest.
The digital voucher system will be in use at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where Impact Mobile CEO, Gary Schwartz, will have a presence on behalf of both Impact Mobile and as author of FAST SHOPPER, SLOW STORE (Atria Books; September 25, 2012; ISBN-10: 1476718709; $0.99), a ground breaking book that shows how best to connect with your mobile consumer to drive revenue and loyalty. The book provides a step-by-step approach to harnessing and executing the digital strategies necessary for companies.
"I'm very excited to help demonstrate the power of digital distribution," says Gary Schwartz, the author of FAST SHOPPER, SLOW STORE. "Companies like Simon & Schuster are answering the needs of a more entrepreneurial, digital-savvy author base. We are using these vouchers to distribute via traditional email and via mobile messaging inserts, driving volume and opening up a valuable relationship with the end reader."
"We're pleased to work with entrepreneurial authors like Gary Schwartz on new ways to distribute and sell eBooks," says Judith Curr, President of the Atria Publishing Group. "While readers can go to eBook storefronts and purchase copies of the book, there is no cross-storefront mechanism to allow for an author to sell thousands of copies of eBooks at an event. The digital voucher system, devised by our colleagues at Simon & Schuster Digital, gives our authors an edge in a competitive landscape."
About Atria Books
Atria Books is an imprint of Simon & Schuster, a part of CBS Corporation. Simon & Schuster is a global leader in the field of general interest publishing, dedicated to providing the best in fiction and nonfiction for consumers of all ages, across all printed, electronic, and audio formats. Its divisions include Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, Simon & Schuster Audio, Simon & Schuster Online, and international companies in Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. For more information about Atria, visit our website at
About Impact Mobile
Impact Mobile Inc. provides end-to-end mobile marketing solutions. Its flagship JumpTXT™ platform and suite of services provide carrier-grade messaging infrastructure, and allow clients to reach mobile subscribers using SMS, MMS and mobile web. Founded in 2002, Impact Mobile is a privately-held technology company, with offices in New York City, Toronto, and Richmond, VA. For more information about Impact Mobile, visit our website at
Mazen Salloum
Marketing Director
Impact Mobile Inc.
SOURCE: Impact Mobile
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