Important Data and Sessions at SAGES 2016 Demonstrate Safety, Efficacy of Stretta Therapy for GERD Français
NORWALK, Conn., March 30, 2016 /CNW/ -- Mederi Therapeutics, Inc. reported that new Stretta data was presented and that Stretta was featured in multiple educational sessions at the recent 2016 Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) meeting in Boston. These activities at SAGES confirmed the feasibility and safety of Stretta Therapy for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in multiple patient populations.
Stretta is a transoral, non-surgical intervention that uses low power radiofrequency (RF) energy to remodel the muscle between the stomach and esophagus. Studies demonstrate that Stretta resolves reflux symptoms, improves quality of life, reduces or eliminates medications, and decreases acid exposure in patients with chronic GERD.
New Stretta data from the UK was presented during the SAGES poster sessions. "A Prospective Study of Endoscopic RF Application (Stretta) for GERD: Early UK Experience," showed Stretta treatment resulted in symptomatic relief in the majority of patients. Mr. Viswanath YKS and co-authors concluded that in selected patients with poor response to medications, Stretta is a safe and effective alternative to surgery.
Stretta was featured in an expert panel discussing the problem of GERD in patients after bariatric surgery. In the panel, "What Every Surgeon Should Know about Reflux in the Bariatric Patient," Dana Portenier, MD, Chief, General Surgery, Duke Regional Hospital and assistant professor at Duke University School of Medicine, pointed out that Stretta may be an ideal option for patients with GERD post-bariatric surgery. Noting that revisional surgery for this patient can have significant complications, Portenier and other panel members remarked that Stretta is a less-invasive option that can help avoid revisional surgery while keeping future treatment options open.
"GERD treatments were a hot topic at this year's SAGES meeting, Stretta was presented in multiple sessions as well as the hands-on course," noted Mederi CEO Bob Knarr. He added, "It's clearly primetime for a treatment like Stretta. GERD is increasing, which, left untreated can lead to esophageal cancer. At the same time there is a growing awareness of the dangers of long-term PPI use. Stretta fills the need for a non-pharma and non-surgical option. Patients want more choices and with Stretta, physicians are able to provide a versatile option that is widely studied, and proven effective long-term."
Mederi manufactures innovative devices that use non-ablative radiofrequency (RF) energy to treat digestive diseases. Stretta Therapy has been proven safe and effective for the treatment of GERD in 37 studies from five continents. Stretta studies show up to 10 years of durable symptom relief. More than 20,000 Stretta procedures have been performed worldwide.
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Amy Phillips
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SOURCE Mederi Therapeutics Inc.

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