CALGARY, AB, Feb. 18, 2021 /CNW/ - The Canada Energy Regulator's Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) and Board of Directors have co-developed and, at a joint meeting in early February, co-endorsed the Committee's Terms of Reference. This represents a key milestone in the Committee's development, as it begins its important and groundbreaking work with the CER.
As set out in the foundational document, the Committee's work and advice will be grounded in advancing reconciliation by helping to transform the relationship between the CER and the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Its advice will bring a broader perspective to the CER reflecting the worldviews of First Nations, the Métis Nation and Inuit. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action, and the Principles Respecting the Government of Canada's Relationship with Indigenous peoples will form the foundation, and provide the roadmap, for the Committee's work.
The Committee's integral role within the CER's new governance structure will allow for the development of strong relationships between the Committee and the CER. These relationships will help build trust and mutual capacity, and provide an opportunity for frank discussions, shared learnings, and the promotion of positive systemic change within the CER and its regulated industry.
While the Committee will provide advice to the CER's Board of Directors at a broad and strategic level, it will have tangible impacts in the day-to-day operations of the regulator. The CER will, for example, seek the Committee's advice on approaches to Indigenous peoples' involvement in CER compliance and oversight activities, and on the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within the CER's mandate. This advice will bring meaningful changes to the way the CER works, including in its oversight, expectations and requirements of the CER's regulated companies.
The work of the IAC will also build on, and support, other initiatives that the CER has undertaken to advance reconciliation, such as with the Indigenous Advisory and Monitoring Committees for the Trans Mountain Existing Pipeline and Expansion and the Line 3 Replacement Program.
To better understand the important role the Indigenous Advisory Committee will play in helping Canada's energy regulator build a renewed relationship with the Indigenous peoples of Canada, please take a look at the Terms of Reference on the CER's website.
Quick Facts
- The Indigenous Advisory Committee was established in August of 2020, to fulfil a key requirement of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act for the establishment of an advisory committee to enhance the involvement of the Indigenous peoples of Canada and Indigenous organizations in the CER's regulated infrastructure. The Committee also supports the CER's work to advance reconciliation.
- The Committee, alongside the Board of Directors, Commission, and CEO, is an integral part of the CER's governance structure.
- The IAC is not a decision-making body, nor does it engage in CER operational matters or provide advice on any particular decision, order or recommendation made by the CER Commission or other CER adjudicative decision-makers.
- The Committee's nine members are leaders at the local, regional and national level, are respected voices of their communities, and bring deep experience in the energy and natural resources sector.
- Three Committee members are nominated directly by national Indigenous organizations: the Assembly of First Nations, the Métis National Council and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.
- The Committee selected its current leadership. Tribal Chief Tyrone McNeil is the interim Chairperson and Kaella-Marie Earle is the interim Vice-chairperson.
- The Committee reflects the diversity of First Nations, Métis Nation and Inuit communities, languages, genders, geographies, and skills and expertise.
"In building strong, long-term relationships with the CER, the Indigenous Advisory Committee has an opportunity to bring Indigenous worldviews into the governance and work of the federal regulator, furthering the implementation of the UN Declaration toward understanding, respect and recognition of Indigenous values and rights."
Tribal Chief Tyrone McNeil
Interim Chairperson
Indigenous Advisory Committee
"These are exciting times for the Canada Energy Regulator and I'm personally looking forward to working closely with our Indigenous Advisory Committee. Its advice will help us to better incorporate Indigenous worldviews and perspectives, as we work to create a more inclusive and effective regulatory system."
Gitane De Silva,
Chief Executive Officer
Canada Energy Regulator
"Reconciliation is a strategic priority for the CER. The advice of the Indigenous Advisory Committee will be invaluable, helping the Board incorporate critical Indigenous voices and perspectives in its governance of the CER and moving us forward along our path of reconciliation."
Cassie Doyle,
Canada Energy Regulator
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The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) works to keep energy moving safely across the country. We review energy development projects and share energy information, all while enforcing some of the strictest safety and environmental standards in the world. To find out how the CER is working for you visit us online or connect on social media
SOURCE Canada Energy Regulator

James Stevenson, Communications Officer, Canada Energy Regulator, Email: [email protected], Telephone: 403-613-6126
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