Joint Review Panel invites public comment on additional information for proposed Marathon Platinum Group Metals and Copper Mine project Français
OTTAWA, June 27, 2013 /CNW/ - The Joint Panel reviewing the proposed Marathon Platinum Group Metals and Copper Mine project invites the public to comment on additional information submitted by the proponent, Stillwater Canada Inc.
The additional information was provided in response to information requests the Panel sent to the proponent on November 26 and December 19, 2012. The information requests were issued following the Panel's review of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), submitted by the proponent and the Panel's review of the comments received during the public comment period.
The Panel is providing a 34-day public comment period to give members of the public, Aboriginal groups, governments and other participants an opportunity to submit their views in writing to the Panel on the sufficiency and technical merit of the EIS, supplemented by the additional information, as measured against the EIS Guidelines.
The opportunity to present more detailed views and information on the project and its potential environmental effects will be provided at the subsequent public hearing.
The Panel will determine if the EIS is sufficient to proceed to public hearing based on its own review of the additional information and on its review of the comments received. If the Panel determines the EIS, supplemented by the additional information, is insufficient to proceed to public hearing, it will ask the proponent to provide further information in the necessary areas. If the Panel determines it has sufficient information to proceed to public hearing, a public notice will be issued at least 45 days before the commencement of the hearing.
The Panel must receive all comments by July 31, 2013. Comments will be considered public and posted on the online registry for this project. Forward your written comments in either official language by mail or e-mail to either panel co-manager:
Cindy Parker, Panel Co-Manager Marathon Joint Review Panel Secretariat 160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 Tel.: 613-948-2039 / 1-866-582-1884 Fax: 613-957-0941 |
Marie LeGrow, Panel Co-Manager Marathon Joint Review Panel Secretariat 40 St. Clair Avenue West, 14th Floor Toronto ON M4V 1M2 Tel.: 416-314-8265 Fax: 416-327-6926 |
[email protected] |
The additional information, the information requests and the EIS are available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry at, registry number 54755. Print copies of the additional information have been made available by the proponent in locations near the project area.
To be kept informed of the assessment process and the Panel's activities, provide a mailing or email address to either panel co-manager.
About the project
Stillwater Canada Inc. proposes to develop and operate the Marathon Platinum Group Metals and Copper Mine Project north of Marathon, Ontario. This project involves the construction and operation of an open-pit mine and mill for the purpose of extracting and processing ore containing copper and platinum group metals in addition to other activities.
SOURCE: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Media may contact:
Lucille Jamault
Marathon Joint Review Panel
[email protected]
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