OTTAWA, March 20, 2013 /CNW/ - The creation of a national knowledge/resource centre on male sexual trauma and recovery from child abuse was announced today by The Men's Project (TMP), an Ottawa-based treatment centre for men and their families since 1997.
The centre will be known as 1in6 Canada. The name was chosen because research has shown that one in six males will be sexually victimized by the age of 18 or just about 17 per cent of the male population.
"There is no national voice for men in trauma and recovery issues in Canada," said Rick Goodwin, TMP Executive Director. "A knowledge centre is essential to help boys and men recover from their childhood sexual and physical abuse."
The centre's goal is to provide public education, training, counselling service direction, research and other resources to Canadians and agencies coast-to-coast. Many of the services will be available on-line. As such, the information hub will be accessible to most Canadians. The centre will also address general issues of men's health and well being.
"The TMP initiative was advanced by the fact that there is no national focus on men's issues by any level of government or any local, provincial or national agency," said Randall Ware, President of the TMP Board of Directors.
"National networks and associations on sexual/physical abuse have been focussed on the needs of women whereas the treatment of men's childhood trauma has been in a vacuum," said Mr. Ware. "Historically, the matter has escaped any national remedial attention."
1in6 Canada is linked with 1in6 Inc. in the United States. It joined forces in the sharing of educational, training, research and other resources between the two countries. 1in6 Canada is also discussing linkages with other men's organizations in both Australia and Europe.
TMP has received many awards for service excellence over the years, including the inaugural Ontario Attorney General's Award of Distinction. Other awards include those from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Crime Prevention Ottawa and the United Way. It was also seen as a "Promising Practice" by the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. TMP been funded for 14 years by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.
TMP had official standing at the Cornwall Public Inquiry, which was established in April 2005 to look at the response of the justice system into allegations of male childhood abuse in the St. Lawrence Seaway city. It was the only party that advocated counselling services for victims and witnesses who attended the inquiry. As well, TMP's proposals to the inquiry became some of the principal recommendations of Commissioner Mr. Justice G. Normand Glaude's report to the Ontario Attorney General in December, 2009.
"In light of too many high-profile revelations recently about the sexual predation of boys, it's hoped that more men and community agencies will come forward to seek help and direction through our 1in6 knowledge centre," said Mr. Goodwin. "There are many thousands of men in Canada who are hurting and few agencies with the knowledge to address their needs."
"National news stories on victimization and its ensuing public outrage give this sensitive issue a rather compelling profile," said Mr. Ware. "In the absence of any Canadian leadership on this issue, TMP decided that our knowledge and experience base could fill the void and, by national necessity, create 1in6 Canada. The need was incontrovertible."
SOURCE: The Men's Project

Rick Goodwin,
Executive Director
The Men's Project
Telephone: 613-230-6179, extension 400
Cell phone: 613-277-7021
Randall Ware,
President, Board of Directors
The Men's Project
Telephone: 613-230-6179
The Men's Project Web site:
1in6 Canada Web site: (to be launched March 22nd)
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