Women Fleeing Domestic Violence Gain Wider Advocacy Support
TORONTO, Oct. 30, 2018 /CNW/ - In advance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it has been announced that victims of domestic violence in the GTA will benefit from a shift in leadership as the "Jewish Legal Information Service" provided through Act to End Violence Against Women (ACT) transitions into "Project LISA: Legal Information Service Access", a program of the National Council of Jewish Women of Canada- Toronto (NCJWC-T). This vital and unique program ensures that women fleeing abusive relationships will be availed of the support they desperately need.
Jessica Kronis, Executive Director the NCJWC-T explains, "In an effort to maximize services for abused women across the Greater Toronto Area, we are proud to announce that we are expanding this program to the serve the community at large."
Domestic abuse is an overlooked and underserviced social issue, despite statistics that suggest 1 in 5 Canadian women is affected. Women are often left overwhelmed when on their own. Informed by Jewish values, resources will be available to any women in the GTA who requires help navigating the complexities of the legal system.
Commenting on the unanimous Board approval of this decision, Eva Karpati, President of the Board, said, "I am delighted to lead a team of progressive women who understand the critical importance and place of this program in our community."
NCJWC-T has a 121-year history of catalyzing change and contributing to community service through the efforts of its dedicated volunteers. NCJWC-T remains a progressive and relevant agency, with a continued focus on working to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, educating the public and serving those in need year-round.
SOURCE National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto
about LISA or NCJWC-Toronto or to arrange an interview please call 416-633-5100 or email [email protected]
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