MONTREAL, Sept. 29, 2020 /CNW Telbec/ - Leucan, the Assocation for children with cancer, is proud to announce the return of the Halloween Money Boxes for a 22nd edition and invites elementary schools, preschools and the public to participate. In order to respect the government's sanitary measures, each establishment will have its own virtual money box in which they can receive online donations easily and securely.
Leucan's Halloween Virtual Money Boxes: much more than a fundraiser
Each participating school or family will have their own virtual money box at, in which families and the public will be able to make donations. Participating establishments also have access to many interactive activities, created in collaboration with education professionals, which encourage learning, group discussions and citizen engagement: activity books, interactive quizzes and group activities. "Students in my class are proud to contribute to Leucan's cause and to raise awareness of pediatric cancer. They learned teamwork thanks to Leucan's money boxes," says Stéphanie Proulx, 5th grade teacher in Montérégie. Claudia Pelletier, assistant principal at Garderie La Plume d'Or daycare center in Québec, adds: "The virtual money box is really simple and easy to use; we reached our fundraising goal in less than a week!"
For Leucan, the virtual money boxes finance Leucan's services, including awareness and support in schools. "Treatments to cure pediatric cancer cause many effects: alterations to body image, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, weakened immune system, etc. All these changes cause great stress in these children, who are looking for some semblance of normalcy and to forget about the illness, especially when they go back to school. Those children we accompany as they reintegrate their class are relieved to have us at their side: they're less anxious and more comfortable opening up about what they are going through", explains Christelle Robitaille-Hains, Leucan adviser.
Leucan hopes to reach 400 virtual money boxes. To register, Leucan invites the population to visit
About Leucan
For more than 40 years, Leucan has been supporting cancer-stricken children and their families from the day of diagnosis through every stage of the disease and its side-effects. As a loyal ally of hundreds of families and thousands of members across Quebec, the Association provides specific and personalized services delivered by a qualified team with a cutting edge expertise. Leucan also funds clinical research and the Leucan Information Centre. With its nine offices, Leucan is present throughout Quebec.

Source et renseignements, Alexandra Gendron, Project Coordinator, Communications and Multimedia | Leucan, (819) 350-9072, [email protected]
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