Mederi's Stretta Therapy, a Non-Surgical Treatment for GERD Launched in Brazil
First Stretta cases performed in Sao Paolo, forty-five new Stretta physicians trained.
NORWALK, Conn., Sept. 18, 2017 /CNW/ -- Mederi Therapeutics Inc. today announced product launch activities and first cases of Stretta Therapy in Brazil. Stretta is a non-surgical treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Last week, Dr. Manoel Galvao Neto and Dr. Eduardo Grecco, hosted Stretta training and performed the first cases at Fundacao do ABC Hospital in Sao Paolo, welcoming physicians from all over Brazil to learn about Stretta. Dr. Neto noted the critical position of Stretta for their patients, "This is a proven solution for patients who have GERD symptoms despite medications and want to avoid surgery, Stretta is an ideal option between medications and surgery. Our team is excited about this innovative technology." Dr. Grecco added, "Stretta is also cost-effective compared to long-term PPI use or anti-reflux surgery. Being able to offer a procedure that is clinically effective, and has an economic advantage is important here in Brazil."
"We are very pleased with the excitement around Stretta in Brazil. Stretta is experiencing dramatic growth worldwide, this is driven by key benefits of safety and effectiveness, as well as the versatility and lower cost of Stretta compared to other GERD treatments," stated Mederi CEO Bob Knarr. "Stretta is a unique technology that reduces symptoms of GERD by thickening the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus, improving the barrier to reflux. We look forward to great success in Brazil, where we have an excellent distribution partner, Endoaccess," Knarr added.
Thiago Regis, principal of Endoaccess, agrees. "Stretta is positioned to help many kinds of chronic GERD patients, including those who have incomplete relief from medications or have recurring GERD after bariatric or anti-reflux surgery. It is especially important for the patient with GERD after bariatric surgery. In this patient, Stretta offers an important option because it is non-surgical, delivered endoscopically, and does not alter the anatomy or require an implant. Surgeons and Gastroenterologists throughout Brazil are eager to offer Stretta to their patients."
GERD and Obesity in Brazil
According to a 2014 study, roughly 20 percent of Brazilians suffer from chronic GERD, with symptoms consisting of heartburn, regurgitation, and even chronic cough. Obesity is on the rise in Brazil. Estimates predict more than half of the population of Latin America will be overweight or obese by 2030. Studies show that obese patients have a much higher incidence of GERD than the general population. Bariatric surgery is also on the rise in Brazil, with about 86,000 procedures per year being performed in 2013 vs. 4,000 in 2003. Many bariatric patients, particularly those who have undergone a sleeve gastrectomy, report chronic GERD symptoms following surgery, despite weight loss.
Mederi manufactures innovative medical devices that use non-ablative radiofrequency (RF) energy to treat digestive diseases. Stretta is an endoscopic, non-surgical solution for GERD that has been proven safe and effective in more than 40 studies, and is available worldwide.
For more information go to:
Contact: Sheila Doyle
(203) 930-9980
[email protected]
SOURCE Mederi Therapeutics Inc.

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