Media advisory - Nurses Unions to hold events to coincide with Council of the Federation meetings on August 27-29, 2014 in Charlottetown, PEI
OTTAWA, Aug. 25, 2014 /CNW/ - The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) will be in Charlottetown during the Council of the Federation Meeting August 27-29, 2014. The CFNU will be discussing the future of health care directly with premiers during the Council of the Federation, as well as participating in events organized by the Canadian Health Coalition and PEI Health Coalition.
The CFNU President Linda Silas and representatives of Canada's provincial nurses unions will be present and available for comment in Charlottetown during the Council of Federation meetings.
The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) is Canada's largest nurses' organization representing close to 200,000 nurses and student nurses. The CFNU has been advocating for national discussions on key health priorities, such as a universal pharamacare program, a comprehensive approach to long-term and continuing care, greater attention to health human resources, and federal government engagement on the future of public health care.
SOURCE: Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions

Linda Silas, President, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions: 613-859-4314; Debbie Forward, President, Newfoundland & Labrador Nurses' Union: 709-682-0950; Marilyn Quinn, President, New Brunswick Nurses Union: 506-457-8288; Janet Hazelton, President, Nova Scotia Nurses' Union: 902-456-2084; Mona O'Shea, President, Prince Edward Island Nurses' Union: 902-388-6272; Vicki McKenna, 1st Vice-President, Ontario Nurses' Association: 647-501-7464; Sandi Mowat, President, Manitoba Nurses Union: 204-771-2501; Tracy Zambory, President, Saskatchewan Union of Nurses: 306- 533-1651; Heather Smith, President, United Nurses of Alberta: 780-940-9974
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