Sept. 29
/CNW/ - The BCAFN is a Political Territorial Organization (PTO) that represents the 203 First Nations in British Columbia. The BCAFN is a regional arm of the National Assembly of First Nations (AFN), which makes the Regional Chief an Executive Member of the AFN Executive Committee. The Regional Chief represents the regional concerns of the BCAFN constituents on the Executive Committee to ensure that regional perspectives are included in National political discussions and decision-making. The Regional Chief also holds specific portfolios that deal with national policy issues and concerns. A strong leader is required in this era of cutbacks and a struggling economy to work cooperatively with the National Chief to advocate on behalf of BC First Nations and achieve tangible results in addressing the honour of the crown, education and training, and quality of life in First Nation communities. A Regional Chief with a strong vision is needed to revitalize the relationship between the crown and First Nations. First Nation's youth require strong, exemplary leaders to help them achieve their potential. The Regional Chief's seat has been vacant since Shawn A-in-chut Atleo successfully ran for National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations this past July.
What: BCAFN Regional Chief Election
When: September 30 and October 1, 2009
Where: Chief Joe Mathias Recreation Centre
100 Capilano Rd. North Vancouver BC
When: First Ballot (Oct 1) 9:00am - 10:30am
Second Ballot 11:00am - 12:30pm
Third Ballot (if necessary) 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Five candidates are running for the position of Regional Chief for the BC
Assembly of First Nations
Shane Gottfriedson (Tke'mlups/Kamloops Indian Band)
Stewart Phillip (Penticton Indian Band)
Lynda Price (Ulkatcho First Nations)
Robert Shintah (Ts'kw'aylaxw Indian/Band)
Jody Wilson Raybould (We Wai Kai First Nation)
For further information: Please direct media inquiries to: Dallas Squire - (778) 899-9372; Chantelle Krish - (778) 990-9544
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