Media Advisory - Campaign 2000 to Release 2009 Report Card on Child Poverty
in Canada
The 2009 report, entitled Keep the Promise: Make
Speakers at the press conference: - Laurel Rothman - National Coordinator, Campaign 2000; - Ed Broadbent - Public commentator and former leader, New Democratic Party - Peggy Taillon - President, Canadian Council on Social Development (porte parole francophone) - Sid Frankel - Social Planning Council of Winnipeg
The report will be available at on
Other activities on November 24th: - Breakfast for MPs and Senators 7:30 - 8:45 am; Room 200 West Block; contact Laurel Rothman for more information (see contact information below) - Rally at Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill 9:00 am - Find out about events across the country at - click on "Take Action on November 24" For further information, please contact: Laurel Rothman - National Coordinator, Campaign 2000, 416-595-9230 Ext. 228 or 416-575-9230 (cell) Liyu Guo - Program Assistant, Campaign 2000, 416-595-9230, ext. 244 or 416-624-1885 (cell) Provincial Report Card contacts: - B.C. - First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition - Adrienne Montani 604-873-8437 Alberta - Bill Moore-Kilgannon, Public Interest Alberta 780-420-0471 Saskatchewan - Paul Gingrich - University of Regina 306-352-0253 Manitoba - Rob Marriott - Social Planning Council of Winnipeg 204-943-2561 (office) or 204-793-3289 (cell) Ontario - Jacquie Maund, Ontario Campaign 2000 (416) 595-9230 ext. 241 New Brunswick - Randy Hatfield, Human Development Council 506-636-8540 Nova Scotia - Pauline Raven, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, N.S. 902-670-2949 Other contacts: Ottawa - Adje van de Sande - Carleton University School of Social Work: 613-520-2600 ext. 3542 - porte parole francophone Newfoundland & Labrador - Penelope Rowe - Community Services Council Newfoundland & Labrador: 709-753-9860
Campaign 2000 is a non-partisan, cross-Canada network of 120 national, provincial and community partner organizations committed to working to end child poverty in
For further information: Laurel Rothman, National Coordinator, Campaign 2000, (416) 595-9230 Ext. 228 or (416) 575-9230 (cell); Liyu Guo, Program Assistant, Campaign 2000, (416) 595-9230, ext. 244 or (416) 624-1885 (cell)
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