Media Advisory - George Smitherman to Marshall 2nd Annual Polar Bear Swim
Teams up with local group to fight climate change and help save Ontario's Polar bears
WHAT: 2nd Annual Polar Bear Swim in Lake Ontario WHO: George Smitherman, Celebrity Swim Marshall will fire up dozens and dozens of students, moms, dads, brothers and sisters for a plunge into Lake Ontario. WHY: Copenhagen is happening right now. We can't all be there, but we can add our voices to the call for strong, timely action on climate change INCLUDING MAKING SURE Ontario's natural Boreal Forests and peatlands get protection. Protecting terrestrial carbon will help save Polar Bears. WHERE: Sunnyside Pavilion (1755 Lakeshore Blvd West, Toronto) WHEN: Sunday December 13th, 9:30am (swimmers gather) Polar Bear Swim at 10:00am sharp!
For further information: Anna Baggio, (416) 453-3285 mobile
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