Media Advisory - July 25 : Resolutions calling for an end to regional conflict, child labour, extremism - EI Awards ceremony to honor outstanding teachers Français
OTTAWA, July 24, 2015 /CNW/ - Resolutions to be debated tomorrow at the Education International (EI) World Congress will focus on ending child labour, on education, peace and justice in conflict areas and on the vital role education plays in countering extremism.
Under the day's theme "The World We Want", delegates will also discuss how global shifts in the balance of power to unelected corporations undermine democracy, teachers and other education personnel as well as their trade unions.
From 5-8 pm, the EI Awards Ceremony will honour outstanding members of the teaching profession who have surmounted challenges through their commitment and passion for education and their profession.
Approximately 2,000 delegates, observers and guests from around the world are attending the quadrennial event which started July 21 and ending Sunday, July 26. Important to note that half a million Canadian education personnel are represented by their unions, associations and federations.
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Key events for Saturday, July 25
9 am –12:30 pm |
Resolutions on The World We Want (Canada Hall rooms 1, 2 and 3) |
5-8 p.m. |
EI Awards Ceremony: Awards presented to Ms. Luisa Bautista-Yu (the Philippines) and Ahmed Jassam SalihAl-shiblawi (Iraq) (Canada Hall rooms 1, 2 and 3) |
EI event schedule: |
Resolutions: |
SOURCE Canadian Teachers' Federation
EI Headquarters, Brussels: Timo Linsenmaier, 613-806-1873; Andrew King, 613-806-1875; EI Canadian Affiliate organizations: Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) Ottawa: Francine Filion, 613-688-4314; Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) Montreal : Christine Marceau, 514-235-5082; Fédération nationale des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, (FNEEQ-CSN) Montreal : France Désaulniers, 514-219-2947; Fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d'université (FQPPU) Montreal : Hans-Olivier Poirier Grenier, 514-755-5858; Fédération du personnel professionnel des universités et de la recherche (FPPU) Montreal : Claude Fortin, 819-649-1822; Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), Ottawa: Angela Regnier (CAUT), 613 726-5186
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