OTTAWA, Sept. 17, 2018 /CNW/ - Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, will receive the letters of credence of four new heads of mission during a ceremony at Rideau Hall on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at 2 p.m.
His Excellency Pedro Luciano Vergés Cimán
Ambassador-designate of the Dominican Republic
His Excellency Johan Hendrik Eugène Verkammen
Ambassador-designate of the Kingdom of Belgium
His Excellency João do Carmo Ataíde da Câmara
Ambassador-designate of the Portuguese Republic
His Excellency Saoud Abdulla Zaid Al-Mahmoud
Ambassador-designate of the State of Qatar
About the Presentation of Letters of Credence
Upon their arrival in Canada, and before they can carry out their duties as heads of mission, new ambassadors, as well as new high commissioners of countries for which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is not head of State, must be officially welcomed by the governor general of Canada. High commissioners representing countries for which The Queen is the head of State are formally introduced to the prime minister of Canada.
Letters of credence are the official documents by which new heads of diplomatic missions are presented by their head of State as their official representative. Currently, there are more than 180 missions accredited to Canada.
Media wishing to cover the event are asked to confirm their attendance with the
Rideau Hall Press Office in advance. Media should arrive at the Princess Anne Entrance no later than 1:45 p.m. on the day of the ceremony.
Follow GGJuliePayette and RideauHall on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
SOURCE Governor General of Canada

Media information: Sara Régnier-McKellar, Rideau Hall Press Office, 613-993-2569 (office), 613-301-2465 (cell), [email protected]
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