"Medically-assisted dying" in Québec: "Homicide", therefore "unconstitutional" - Major objections from opponents Français
QUÉBEC, Sept. 25, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - "Medically-assisted-dying is homicide", "an unconstitutional bill" - major objections to Bill 52 on "end of life medical care" abound according to the position statements presented by the Physicians' Alliance for Total Refusal of Euthanasia (the Alliance) and the Living with Dignity Citizens' Network (LWD) during their hearing before the Health and Social Services Parliamentary Commission. Both of these documents are now available at:
www.refusmedical.blogspot.ca and www.vivredignite.blogspot.ca.
VDD's website also features the results of an IPSOS survey that revealed, among other details, that only 33% of Quebeckers grasp the true nature of medically-assisted dying:
IPSOS Survey - Living with dignity
Dr. Marc Beauchamp, Chairman of the Board of VDD, and Dr. Catherine Ferrier of the Alliance denounce the general confusion stemming from this term: "medically-assisted dying is euthanasia, which is homicide under the Criminal Code of Canada. One would be hard-pressed to find enough Québec-based doctors ready to disregard this historical prohibition. Indeed, many of us are ready to go to court should Bill 52 come to pass".
This invitation is one of many comments disclosed over the last few hours by these two groups at the heart of euthanasia's opposition in Québec. Here are a few excerpts from their respective position papers:
Position paper - Physicians' Alliance for Total Refusal of Euthanasia. Presented by Drs. Catherine Ferrier, Serge Daneault and François Primeau.
"If at the outset we were pleased to note the important place given to palliative care in Bill 52, we rapidly became disillusioned by noticing that the legislator has misrepresented palliative care by including in it medical aid in dying - a euphemism used to hide the deadly reality of euthanasia." p. 2
"We uphold that it is not the right of the state to organise the putting to death of citizens who ask to die. Such a decision would contradict the great Quebec values of solidarity and equality." p. 9
"This gesture could never be qualified as a « care » since it contradicts the fundamental ethical principles of medical practice." p. 10
Position paper - Living with Dignity. Presented by Dr. Marc Beauchamp and Me Michel Racicot
"Historically the only exception to this prohibition, which has always made consensus, was the death penalty, which is now banned in our country, in spite should we remember, that many polls have consistently demonstrated a desire of the majority of the population to legalize it (about 60-70% approval). Why does the death penalty remain banned despite the repeated desire of the population that it be reintroduced? Would it be a betrayal of democracy? No." p. 4.
"If assisted suicide cannot be qualified as care when it also involves the intervention of a physician, how can it be justified to qualify medical aid in dying and terminal palliative sedation (with intent to cause death) as care?" p.21.
The Members of the National Assembly cannot in good conscience support this Bill, which, despite nice promises, does not in any way solve the problem of suffering, and which assuredly will affect the safety of the most vulnerable and the integrity of thousands of people working in health care, including physicians." p. 25.
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SOURCE: The Physicians' Alliance for Total Refusal of Euthanasia

For more information or to schedule an interview with a spokesperson, please contact:
Christian Ahuet
Massy Forget Langlois public relations
[email protected]
T : 514 842 2455, poste 29 / C : 514-994-7496
Bridget Ann Peterson
Massy Forget Langlois public relations
T : 514-842-2455, poste 26 / C : 514-377-1752
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