The Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) General Service Office offers support and publications in Spanish for members and anyone seeking help for a drinking problem.
NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2022 /CNW/ -- Members of the Hispanic community find help and support to get and stay sober every day in meetings across the United States and Canada. Those whose first language is Spanish also have available to them an array of A.A. books, pamphlets, and other materials in Spanish—including the book Alcoholics Anonymous ("the Big Book"). The A.A. Meeting Guide app also allows users to search for Spanish-speaking meetings in their area or online.
To support local members as they extend the hand of A.A. to individuals who are struggling with their drinking, including those in the Hispanic community, the A.A. Fellowship makes requests to the General Service Office (G.S.O) to create literature and materials. Today, production on the fourth edition of the Spanish-language Big Book is underway, with a call for submission of stories from members. While all A.A. literature and communications are published in English, Spanish, and French, this edition of the Big Book features stories from Spanish-speaking members who share their experience, strength, and hope.
Last year, Alcoholics Anonymous published "Hispanic Women in A.A.," a pamphlet sharing personal stories from Spanish-speaking A.A. women from around the country that reflect both social and economic diversity. "I felt like I knew them and that they knew me, and soon A.A. felt like home. I realized that I could understand the program better in Spanish with Hispanic women, and this was highly important at the beginning of my recovery." (Esther, Hispanic Women in A.A.)
In addition, the AA Grapevine, the international journal of A.A., publishes La Viña, a bimonthly Spanish-language magazine that features stories from A.A. members on topics including emotional sobriety, spiritual service, and more.
This month, a new book in Spanish from AA Grapevine, Sobriedad emocional: Más allá del horizonte, will feature powerful stories from A.A. members who describe the positive changes sobriety can bring as they practice the principles of A.A in all aspects of their lives.
Anyone interested in attending an A.A. meeting can find one by contacting a local A.A. Central or Intergroup Office or online through the A.A. Meeting Guide app.
Alcoholics Anonymous is for anyone who wants to stop drinking. For more information about A.A., visit
Contact: Public Information Desk
[email protected]
(212) 870-3119
SOURCE Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

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