Men with compulsive sexual behaviours: new treatment program announced
OTTAWA, Jan. 24, 2013 /CNW/ - The creation of a new group therapy program for men with issues of chronic porn use, infidelity, and other compulsive sexual behaviours was announced today by The Men's Project (TMP), an Ottawa-based treatment centre for men and their families since 1997.
The program known as Sexual Integrity and will consist of an assessment service, and an on-going group counselling program. The name was chosen as many men feel that their sexual lives are out of control. Its purpose is to help participants restore a sense of integrity to their sexual choices. It is believed that this program is the first of its kind in Ottawa, and one of a few such programs in Canada.
Despite growing awareness about sex in general, fear and ignorance still dominate people's reactions to sexual problems. When people feel their sexual behaviour is out of control, it can be a source of shame, pain and relationship problems. Preoccupation with porn or masturbation, multiple infidelities, and sexual risk-taking are examples of behaviours that this program will address.
Some counsellors refer to these issues as sex addiction, but the idea that our "sexuality can be addictive is an unproven speculation and highly controversial" states Ray Robertson MSW, RSW, the registered sex therapist who will head this program.
"Sexual Integrity will provide men with an alternative to the 'sex addiction' approach to treatment, a safe place to resolve issues that all too often create barriers to intimacy or threaten relationships," said Rick Goodwin, Executive Director of TMP. "We are proud to lead this initiative for the Ottawa community."
Sexual Integrity is one of many TMP counselling services for men. Childhood sexual abuse recovery, anger management, emotional intelligence and fathering are other group treatment services for men, apart from individual and couple therapy.
One of the few male-centred mental health agencies in Canada, TMP is most known for its pioneering work with treating male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Its Men & Healing model of treatment was documented in the Cornwall Public Inquiry, and is now adopted internationally.
TMP has received many awards for service excellence over the years, including the inaugural Ontario Attorney General's Award of Distinction. Other awards include those from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Crime Prevention Ottawa and the United Way. It was also seen as a "Promising Practice" by the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.
Concurrent individual counselling is strongly recommended. The group is open to gay, straight and bisexual men. Assessments are now being conducted, and the group program will begin in February.
SOURCE: The Men's Project

Rick Goodwin,
Executive Director
The Men's Project
[email protected]
Telephone: 613-230-6179, extension #400
Cell phone: 613-277-7021
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