OTTAWA, Dec. 5, 2019 /CNW/ - The Métis National Council (MNC) is applauding the contents of the latest Federal Throne Speech, delivered by Governor General, Julie Payette.
"Much like his choice of cabinet appointments, this throne speech shows that Prime Minister Trudeau is committed to unity and bringing people in this country together," said MNC Vice-President and National Spokesperson David Chartrand. "I know the Métis Nation shares that commitment and we look forward to doing our part to continue creating a prosperous and unified Canada for all Citizens."
The MNC is particularly pleased to see the Federal Government is committed to taking action to co-develop and introduce legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in the first year of the new mandate. UNDRIP recognizes the right of Indigenous Peoples to legal equality, self-determination, the preservation of their languages and control of their traditional lands, among other rights.
"It's no secret, in his last mandate we saw great things out of Justin Trudeau when it comes reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and in particular, the Métis," said Vice-President Chartrand. "I look forward to working closely with this government and all members of Parliament, including the opposition, as they continue to work towards a better relationship with Canada's negotiating partner in Confederation."
Another highlight of the speech for the MNC, is a commitment to work with Indigenous communities to close the infrastructure gap by 2030 and to take new steps to ensure the government is living up to the spirit and intent of treaties.
"This is a battle we wage daily in the province my people founded," added Vice-President Chartrand. "While we have a premier who has the audacity to not acknowledge our rightful place at the table, I am delighted to see a Prime Minister who understands the history of the Métis and our rights."
The MNC represents the Métis Nation in Canada at the national and international levels. The Métis Nation's homeland includes the 3 Prairie Provinces and extends into the contiguous parts of British Columbia, Ontario, the Northwest Territories and the United States. There are approximately 400,000 Métis Nation citizens in Canada, roughly a quarter of all Aboriginal peoples in the country.
SOURCE Métis National Council

Al Foster, Manitoba Metis Federation, 204-806-4752
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