More Positive Reaction to Changes at the Beer Store
TORONTO, Jan. 8, 2015 /CNW/ - More Ontario small brewers are responding positively to changes at the Beer Store. Yesterday, the Beer Store announced that it was opening up its ownership to all Ontario brewers, large and small, and giving them free access to sell two brands in the five stores closest to their brewery.
Here's what small brewers are saying:
"I'm glad they're listening, that's kind of exciting. We're looking for people to work. We're looking for new equipment." -- Matt Pearson of Sleeping Giant Brewery in Thunder Bay, January 7, 2015, Thunder Bay Newswatch (Source:
"I'm able to go to five new points of distribution, at no extra cost to me, and create more revenue. It's a great thing." -- Paul Meek of Kichesippi Brewery, January 7, 2015, 580 CFRA Ottawa
"We certainly think it's a step forward in terms of being more inclusive with the brewers in Ontario. It feels like it's going to be very positive for us and very positive for consumers." -- George Croft, CEO, Brick Brewing Co., January 7, 2015, 570 News Kitchener
"On the surface, it's great news. We really can't comment until we know more. We'd welcome any change that would allow consumers and our customers better access to our beer. The Beer Store would definitely be an avenue for our beers." -- Mike Brkovich, owner and president of Walkerville Brewery, January 7, 2015, Windsor Star online (Source:
Last night, Beer Store President Ted Moroz discussed the proposed changes on a conference call with over 60 brewers interested in learning more details about the proposal.
SOURCE The Beer Store

Bill Walker, [email protected], 416-624-3936
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