Musqueam Indian Band Loses a great warrior
Delbert V. Guerin, remembered for his influential leadership defending Aboriginal Rights and Title
VANCOUVER, BC Coast Salish Territory, May 14, 2014 /CNW/ - Words of condolence, praise and honour poured into the Guerin family home and the Community of the Musqueam Indian Band to remember Delbert V. Guerin Sr. who passed away on May 11, 2014. Guerin, a former Chief of the Musqueam Indian Band is survived by his loving wife, Frances D. (nee: Point), his five children and two adopted nephews: Delbert Jr., Victor, Kim, Thomas, Graham, Grandson Graham B., Ramsey Louis, and McGary Point, survived too by grandchildren Taylor, Kweyacan, Kirsten, expecting great grandchild soon.
"It is a sad time for our community as we mourn the loss of a great leader for the Musqueam Nation and a true warrior for all First Nation people," said Chief Wayne Sparrow. "Delbert dedicated much of his life to making sure our rights were acknowledged, and we owe it to him and our future generations to keep this vision alive."
Guerin was known as a modest man who worked effortlessly to take care of his family and serve the Musqueam people. Over the years he worked as a log salvager, commercial fisherman, and served over 40 years with the ILWU local 500 as a longshoreman where he retired in 2003.
Along with the many jobs he had, Guerin also spent much of his time serving the First Nation people as a member of the National Indian Brotherhood (precursor to the Assembly of First Nations), Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Native Brotherhood of BC and was a founding member of the Alliance Tribal Council (now known as Nauts'amat Tribal Council). He worked tirelessly to keep Canada aware that First Nations people are here, and are here to stay.
People all across our Country will honour and recognize Guerin's valued work and commitment in defending Aboriginal Rights and Title. Most notably Guerin went to the Supreme Court of Canada in the Guerin vs. Regina Case, with the support of the Musqueam Community, he spearheaded the first ever successful case against the crown of England, for breach of fiduciary obligation.
Guerin dedicated his life to protecting his family, his community and First Nations people around the globe. He will be deeply missed.
Prayer services: Thursday May 15, 2014, 7:00pm
Musqueam Community Centre, 6777 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC
Funeral Services: Friday May 16, 2014 10:00am
Musqueam Community Centre, 6777 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC
SOURCE: Musqueam Indian Band

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