National Resident Awareness Day: PAR-BC Encourages British Columbians to Celebrate
VANCOUVER, Feb. 21, 2012 /CNW/ - The 11th Annual National Resident Awareness Day will be celebrated across the country on February 21st, 2012. The Professional Association of Residents of British Columbia (PAR-BC) is proud to help raise public awareness of resident physicians in BC's healthcare system. Resident physicians are often the first point of contact for patients in both urban and rural British Columbia.
"B.C.'s resident physicians are a diverse group of doctors who provide exemplary patient care in hospitals and clinics across the province. They are the future of medicine in Canada," says Dr. Joanna Oda, President of PAR-BC. Resident physicians are graduates from medical school and are pursuing specialized training in fields such as family medicine, surgery, emergency, and pediatrics.
PAR-BC will be celebrating the event with a large media campaign that is designed to spread the message that resident physicians are the future face of medicine.
The Professional Association of Residents of British Columbia is an organization that represents all resident physicians in BC. We strive to improve members' educational experiences, advocate for equity in contractual matters, and foster health and wellness.
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