OTTAWA, ON, April 22, 2022 /CNW/ - Coinciding with Earth Day, NAV CANADA today announced its commitment to joining the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.
"Today, on Earth Day, we are reiterating our commitment to a sustainable future," said Raymond G. Bohn, President and CEO. "At NAV CANADA, we believe in strong corporate and social governance and forming partnerships to reduce aviation's environmental impacts. Our culture, governance and business practices are aligned with the principles of the UN Global Compact."
The UN Global Compact provides an international framework for companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on environment, human rights, labour, and anti-corruption, and to take actions for a better, safer, more inclusive society for everyone.
NAV CANADA's commitment to the UN Global Compact is a milestone in the development of its Environmental Social Governance (ESG) strategy. This initiative will guide how NAV CANADA measures and communicates progress, while shaping and leveraging best practices that will reduce environmental impacts and ensure social responsibility and strong governance.
"We are committed to formally integrating the UN Global Compact and its principles into the culture strategy, and day-to-day operations," Bohn said. "We will engage in collaborative projects to advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly in the area where we have the greatest potential for impact: sustainable development goals."
As part of the framework, NAV CANADA commits to report on progress within one year of joining the UN Global Compact, and annually thereafter, according to the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP) policy.
"In conjunction with initiatives in NAV CANADA's Strategic Direction, our new ESG framework will not only drive operational efficiency of our customers, but also look at our own direct environmental footprint," Bohn said.
NAV CANADA's new, long term Strategic Direction includes three core initiatives, including Airspace Modernization, Trajectory Based Operations and Digital Facilities. These interconnected initiatives will guide NAV CANADA into the future, transform how it delivers service over the long term and provides value for customers and stakeholders. These initiatives will help NAV CANADA create a more resilient and sustainable air navigation system, and drive efficiency benefits resulting in reduced fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
NAV CANADA is a private, not-for-profit company, established in 1996, providing air traffic control, airport advisory services, weather briefings and aeronautical information services for more than 18 million square kilometres of Canadian domestic and international airspace.
The Company is internationally recognized for its safety record, and technology innovation. Air traffic management systems developed by NAV CANADA are used by air navigation service providers in countries worldwide.

Brian Boudreau, Manager, Media Relations, [email protected], Media Information Line: 1-888-562-8226
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