OTTAWA, ON, Jan. 30, 2022 /CNW/ - Thousands have descended on Parliament Hill to protest public health measures. A small minority are shamefully using Nazi symbols, the Confederate flag, and misappropriating the Star of David to advance their political objectives. In response, Shimon Koffler Fogel, CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), issued the following statement:
"Twenty-four hours after International Holocaust Remembrance Day and on The National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia, there are Nazi flags being flown in public, in Canada, on Parliament Hill. This should be horrifying to all Canadians."
"With few exceptions, these troubling occurrences have escaped the attention of mainstream media."
Added Andrea Freedman, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Ottawa:
"The only way to get these toxic ideologies to crawl back under the rock they slipped out from is for all Canadians to roundly and unambiguously reject and condemn these symbols of hatred. The pernicious nature of antisemitism is that it morphs and becomes a convenient hook for all manner of grievance, real or imagined."
"While we are concerned with the small group of agitators displaying the swastika, we are mortified that other protesters allowed it to continue. Good people remaining silent is a necessary precursor to evil taking root."
Additional Background
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day was on January 27th.
- The National Day of Remembrance of the Québec City Mosque Attack and Action against Islamophobia was on January 29th.
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is the advocacy agent of the Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA.
SOURCE Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

Martin Sampson, CIJA, 613-219-3500, [email protected]
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