QUÉBEC CITY, Aug. 9, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) is pleased to announce the launch of a new program geared towards Indigenous artists and organizations and tailored to the specific realities of their creative, production and distribution models. The announcement was made today by Anne-Marie Jean, CEO of the CALQ, in conjunction with the First Peoples Festival.
Entitled Recognition, the new program stems from close collaboration by CALQ and the Indigenous arts community. Drawing on the values of dialogue, listening and respect, the program took shape following consultations with a broad array of practitioners from the Indigenous artistic and cultural communities, including individuals from the First Nations and the Inuit. The process was enhanced by their experience and knowledge of the issues facing Indigenous artists, writers and organizations.
"This program marks the fulfilment of a promise, namely our pledge to provide adequate support for Indigenous people and their energy, daring, talent, imagination and hard work. We hope it will serve to turn dreams into reality and build bridges, in addition to promoting and fostering artists and works that reflect the richness and importance of Indigenous cultures," said Ms. Jean.
Open, inclusive and flexible
Recognition is divided into five components, two of which are geared towards organizations and three towards established or up-and-coming artists. Open to customary, traditional and contemporary forms, the program aims to support a wide variety of activities, including creation, reappropriation, transmission, sponsorship, guidance, circulation and distribution both inside and outside Québec. In launching this new program, the CALQ is also seeking to support initiatives undertaken by Indigenous artistic organizations with a view to developing and consolidating their organizational capacities.
The program's innovative aspects include access to microgrants, which have a simplified application process. In addition, a portion of the application may be submitted in writing or orally (via video recordings). First-time grants will be awarded to Indigenous artists identified by third parties.
Most financial aid requests may be submitted at any time during the year. All applications will be evaluated by juries primarily made up of recognized Indigenous artists, Elders, creators, professionals or cultural managers who are representative of the Indigenous artistic community.
Mélanie Lumsden, who recently joined CALQ's Direction du soutien aux artistes, aux communautés et à l'action régionale, will be primarily dedicated to the Recognition program. A member of the Inuvialuit nation, Ms. Lumsden has several years of experience as a project manager in the Indigenous cultural community, having worked for DestiNATIONS: Carrefour International des Arts et Cultures des Peuples autochtones, as well as for Mikana and Exeko. We are delighted to welcome her to the CALQ team.
Reappropriation, reconstruction and development
Recognition is designed to support the Indigenous arts community's reappropriation, reconstruction and development efforts. In launching the program, the CALQ is reaffirming its desire to:
- Contribute to the knowledge, recognition and promotion of Indigenous artists and arts.
- Foster the reappropriation, transmission and development of traditional Indigenous knowledge, languages and arts.
- Facilitate the early career and professional development of Indigenous artists by supporting their first professional experiences and providing them with sponsorship and guidance.
- Encourage the respect of Indigenous protocols.
Full program details are available on the CALQ's website:
About the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ)
With a view to encouraging equitable and sustainable artistic development throughout Québec, the Conseil supports creation, experimentation and production in the domains of the arts and literature and promotes their diffusion and influence in Québec, across Canada and abroad.
Source Honorine Youmbissi Director of Communications and Arts and Literature Promotion CALQ Phone: (514) 864-2928 |
Information Caroline Tremblay Advisor in charge of Communications and Arts and Literature Promotion CALQ Phone: (800) 608-3350 (toll-free) |
Annexe (french only)
Liste des membres du comité consultatif ayant participé à l'élaboration
du programme Re-Connaître
- Ginette Aubin, Malécite, artiste peintre;
- Ludovic Boney, Huron-Wendat, artiste sculpteur;
- Hannah Claus, Kanienkehaka (mohawk), artiste en arts visuels;
- Christian COOCOO, Atikamekw, coordonnateur des Services culturels au Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw;
- André Dudemaine, Innu, réalisateur, animateur culturel et administrateur de l'organisme Terres en Vues;
- Robert Fréchette, photographe et responsable des publications pour l'Institut culturel Avataq;
- Louis Gagnon, conservateur, directeur du département de muséologie de l'Institut culturel Avataq;
- Pierre Gladu, agent d'artistes;
- Dave Jenniss, Malécite, directeur artistique associé aux Productions Ondinnok;
- Nicole O'Bomsawin, Abénaki, anthropologue, muséologue, militante écologiste, conteuse, fondatrice du groupe de danse Mikwobait, ex-directrice du Musée des Abénakis;
- Kevin Papatie, Anicinapek, vidéaste;
- Sylvie Paré, Métisse, Huronne-Wendat, ex-conservatrice des arts autochtones au Musée canadien des civilisations, artiste, agente culturelle au Jardin des Premières Nations du Jardin botanique de Montréal, membre du comité ART-CULTURE du réseau pour la stratégie de la communauté autochtone de Montréal;
- Marie-Josée Parent, Mi'kmaq et Acadienne, ex-directrice générale de DestiNATIONS, conférencière, commissaire d'expositions;
- Sarah Pashagumskum, Cri, directrice de l'Institut culturel cri Aanischaaukamikw, à Oujé-Bougoumou;
- Stephen Puskas, Inuit, artiste et journaliste;
- Guy Sioui Durand, Huron-Wendat, théoricien, critique d'art, commissaire indépendant et enseignant;
- Yves Sioui Durand, Huron-Wendat, artiste en théâtre et littérature, fondateur des Productions Ondinnok inc;
- Nadine St-Louis, Mi'kmaq, entrepreneure, directrice générale et fondatrice des Productions Feux Sacrés;
- Marjolaine Tshernish, Innue, directrice générale à l'Institut Tshakapesh;
- Florent Vollant, Innu, musicien et porte-parole du programme.
SOURCE Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

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