New Innovation & Bio/System Improves Waste Diversion & Recycling Practises
SASKATOON, Sept. 11, 2018 /CNW/ -
In response to the serious issues plaguing Municipalities and Recycling Companies, patented Inventor, Harold Sokyrka from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (CEO of Kwik BagIt Products International Inc.) has developed a patent pending utility device and Community Awareness Program that will revolutionize the methods currently being practiced for waste diversion, recycling practices and reuse of items that cannot be recycled.
He quotes that "PROPER Recycling Starts at the SOURCE – IN THE HOME " and with his New Innovation and Community Approached Method of Education - the Kwik BagIt Eco/System could be the solution to the serious issues plaguing Municipalities and Recycling Depots throughout the world.
Due to China's recent tough policy of refusing any more recyclable material from North America and the rest of the world, Recycling Depots are scrambling to find alternative buyers of paper and plastics resulting in more unwanted material being sent to municipal landfills, prompting Municipalities to levy extra taxes and charges to households who rely on curb-side pick up. "The current Blue Bin Programs have failed because Homeowners are confused as to What Goes Where, and as a result, contaminated materials were being sent to China by the boat load". Sokyrka goes on to say: "You can't blame them – how would you like to have a bag of stinky garbage dropped off at your step to have to sort through to find what is recyclable and what is contaminated? Since Recycling companies need to be more careful, more waste is being sent to the landfills. This domino effect results in extra costs to the taxpayer, because of the poor practices and policies that municipalities have been dealing with regarding effective waste diversion and inability to properly educate the householder".
Sokyrka goes on to state: "This problem is only going to get worse. Proper waste diversion and recycling is confusing and complicated and won't improve until the stakeholders in each community arrive at a simpler way to collaborate their marketing budgets so that they can educate and inform households to understand "What Goes Where" and to develop a "community standard". Collectively, the stakeholders can reduce their marketing and administrative costs dramatically by following the simple strategy that I have developed - It's not rocket science - it's pure common sense – something that is lacking in bureaucracy today."
"Instead of using Waste Collection as a "Cash Cow" - Municipalities need to develop a more focused community education program and show the homeowner HOW to properly divert, recycle and re-use, instead of simply increasing taxes and additional service charges to the householders. The answer to better practices is a simple and common sense approach, and by using a unique device that will help to Divert waste separate recyclables "Make the Task Easier", on how to improve our ways".
The Kwik BagIt Bio/System combines the use of an eco-friendly community education strategy - plus by using a Portable Utility Device that has Telescopic Rails and Legs, which allows the user to use any size of bag in the market place. The System also encourages the use of Biodegradable/Mono Mesh Bags which is far more durable that a plastic bag, and it can be washed and reused hundreds of times saving the consumer money from buying plastic bags as well as striving to ease the strain on our fragile environment. "There needs to be more enforcement and restriction with the use of single use oil-based plastic bags, which are plugging up our landfills and take over 100 years to decompose. Our Mission is to collectively develop an education Program that will improve our current practices - to strive for a more responsible approach to Saving the Environment."
SOURCE Kwik BagIt Products International Inc.

Harold Sokyrka at 306-717-3895 or visit:
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