New Stretta 10-Year Study Presented at UEGW 2016 Français
Study shows 72% of patients off GERD medications 10-years after Stretta procedure
NORWALK, Conn., Nov. 1, 2016 /CNW/ -- Mederi Therapeutics today announced that new 10-year patient follow-up data on Stretta therapy has been presented at this year's United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) in Vienna, Austria. The data, from lead author Dr. Luca Dughera, University of Torino, Italy, showed significant, durable relief from GERD symptoms and elimination of PPI use in 71.9% of patients 10-years post-Stretta. Dr. Dughera's study was presented in the "Posters in the Spotlight Sessions", which recognized the best studies submitted to the congress.
The study followed 251 patients, including 57 patients who reached 10-year follow-up, and found a significant and durable effect of Stretta treatment. Findings included:
- A significant improvement in both heartburn and GERD quality of life (HRQL) scores
- 71.9% (41/57) patients completely off PPIs 10-years after a Stretta procedure
- Stretta was effective in resolving extra esophageal symptoms of GERD
About 30% of patients with GERD still experience symptoms despite standard medications such as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), and many more patients are concerned about potential risks of these long-term medications. Stretta is an ideal treatment for these patients who still have GERD despite medications but do not want to have surgery.
Stretta is a non-surgical treatment that transorally (through the mouth) delivers low levels of radiofrequency (RF) energy to the muscle between the stomach and esophagus. Studies show that mechanisms of action include a thickening of the muscle and reduced tissue compliance, which improves the barrier function, resulting in fewer reflux events, reduced acid exposure and improved symptoms.
In the study, entitled "The use of non-ablative RF energy (Stretta) for the treatment of GERD. Ten years follow-up results," Dughera et al recognized the need for a treatment option for this type of patient that does not require daily long-term medications or surgery, especially in younger populations. Dr. Dughera noted, "Younger patients with chronic GERD don't wish to be on a lifetime of daily medications – and are interested in avoiding surgery." Dughera also pointed out that this 10-year data is consistent with another 10-year study by Noar et al, published in Surgical Endoscopy in 2014. Dr. Noar's study found that 64% of patients were off medications 10-years post-Stretta, with significant improvement in GERD HRQL scores and a high level of patient satisfaction. "Stretta has been widely documented in clinical studies as safe and effective, and has been supported with guidelines by both SAGES and ASGE. It is a viable treatment option that should be offered to GERD sufferers," he added.
Mederi manufactures innovative medical devices that use non-ablative radiofrequency (RF) energy to treat digestive diseases. Stretta Therapy for GERD, has been proven safe and effective for treating GERD in more than 40 studies. Long-term follow up shows 10 years of durable symptom relief. More than 20,000 Stretta procedures have been performed worldwide.
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Contact: Kara Stephens
[email protected]
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SOURCE Mederi Therapeutics Inc.

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