Next Step Forward For The Windsor-Essex Parkway
Short-Listed Teams Invited To Submit Bids
The short-listed teams - Rose City Parkway Group, Windsor-Essex Transportation Partners and Windsor Essex Mobility Group - have approximately six months to prepare and submit their proposals.
Involving local business community is an important part of this project. Since the start of the process, proponents have demonstrated an interest in working with local businesses. As part of their submissions, each team responding to the RFP must expand their strategy to involve local businesses and a local First Nations.
The release of the RFP is a key milestone in the procurement process. The short-listed teams participated in a rigorous competitive request for qualifications (RFQ) process that evaluated and ranked each participant's approach to partnering, design, construction, maintenance, as well as their financing abilities to deliver the Parkway.
Once the RFP proposals are received, Infrastructure Ontario and MTO will evaluate the bids, select a preferred proposal, and then negotiate a final contract. The entire process will be overseen by a fairness monitor and the successful team will be announced in late 2010.
Initial construction work on the Parkway began in
The innovative Windsor-Essex Parkway will provide significant transportation and community benefits. The 11-kilometre below-grade freeway will separate local and international traffic and eliminate stop and go traffic on the way to the border. With more than 300 acres of green space, 20 kilometres of recreational trails and new community connections, residents will enjoy an improved quality of life.
The Parkway is the Canadian access road portion of an end-to-end border transportation system that will improve the flow of traffic through Canada's busiest trade corridor and will contribute to the economies of Ontario,
MTO's goal is to be a world leader in moving people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably, to support a globally competitive economy and a high quality of life.
Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Transportation are working to develop The Windsor-Essex Parkway, which will remain publicly owned, publicly controlled and publicly accountable. Infrastructure Ontario is a Crown corporation dedicated to managing some of the province's larger and more complex infrastructure renewal projects - ensuring they are built on time and on budget.
For more information about the procurement of this project and to view the RFP, visit
Explore The Windsor-Essex Parkway at
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Backgrounder Short-listed team members for The Windsor-Essex Parkway
Teams were pre-qualified through a rigorous competitive request for qualifications (RFQ) process that evaluated and ranked their:
- approach to project development; - approach to partnering including with local contractors; - design capability and experience; - construction capability and experience; - maintenance and rehabilitation management and experience; and - financial and financing information and their ability to successfully reach a financial close.
The three highest scoring teams were short-listed for the project and include:
- Rose City Parkway Group including: - Aecon Concessions is a division of Aecon Construction Group Inc. - Aecon Construction and Materials Limited - Fengate Capital - Dufferin, a division of Holcim (Canada) Inc. - The Miller Group - MMM Group Limited - Macquarie Capital Group Limited - HOCHTIEF PPP Solution North America Inc. - Peter Kiewit Sons Co. - AECOM Canada Ltd. - H.W. Lochner - Thurber Engineering Ltd. - Applied Research Associates, Inc. - RC Spencer Associates Inc. - West 8 - Windsor Essex Mobility Group including: - Dillon Consulting Limited - RBC Dominion Securities Inc. - Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S. A. - Acciona, S.A. - Fluor Canada Ltd. - Dragados Canada Inc. - Acciona Infrastructure Canada, Inc. - Hatch Mott MacDonald Ltd. - AMEC Earth and Environmental, Ltd. - Windsor-Essex Transportation Partners including: - Carillion Canada Inc. - The Bank of Nova Scotia - Stantec Consulting Ltd. - PCL - Bilfinger Berger Project Investments - HSBC Specialist Investments Ltd (HSBC Infrastructure) - John Laing Investments Limited (John Laing) - Walsh Construction Company, a subsidiary of The Walsh Group, Ltd. - Parsons Corporation - Trow Associates Inc.
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For further information: Paulette den Elzen, Infrastructure Ontario, (416) 327-5764; Tara Wilkins, Windsor Border Initiatives Implementation Group, Ministry of Transportation, (519) 973-7353
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