Ontario Power Authority offers 951 Small FIT renewable energy contracts
TORONTO, July 3, 2013 /CNW/ - Ontario's clean energy economy continues to grow as the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) offers 951 new Small Feed-in Tariff (FIT) renewable energy contracts. These contracts represent 146.5 megawatts (MW) of power, enough to power more than 21,000 homes.
Over 98 percent of the successful applications received municipal council support resolutions. Most of these contract offers are for solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, including 934 solar PV projects, 16 bioenergy projects and one waterpower project. In total, project developers are expected to invest over $750 million in the Ontario economy, and the projects are expected to result in 2,200 jobs for Ontarians.
The projects announced today include 46 MW or 219 projects with Aboriginal participation and 27.8 MW or 136 projects with community participation.
Click here for the complete list of small FIT contract offers.
These contracts are being offered to successful applicants who applied during the small FIT application period from December 14, 2012, to January 18, 2013. The OPA was authorized to offer up to 200 MW of contracts to these applicants; the remaining 53.5 MW of capacity will be added to the procurement target for this fall's Small FIT application period. Details for this next window will be posted on the FIT website when they are available. Small FIT projects are generally those with a capacity of more than 10 kilowatts (kW) and up to 500 kW.
As of the OPA's most recent FIT program quarterly report, updated March 31, 2013, the OPA had contracts for 1,706 FIT projects, representing 4,541 MW. Of these, 616 projects had been completed and were delivering clean electricity to Ontario's grid, with the rest in development.
Ontario's FIT Program, enabled by the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009, is North America's first comprehensive guaranteed pricing structure for renewable electricity production. It includes standardized program rules, prices and contracts for those interested in developing a qualifying renewable energy project. Prices are designed to cover project costs and allow for a reasonable return on investment over the contract term. Qualifying renewable energy technologies include biogas, renewable biomass, landfill gas, solar photovoltaic, waterpower and wind power.
More information about the FIT Program is available at fit.powerauthority.on.ca. The OPA also administers the microFIT Program for renewable energy projects up to 10 kW.
"The OPA is pleased to be able to offer contracts to these renewable energy projects. The FIT Program is helping to transform our electricity system to be cleaner and more sustainable, as well as provide opportunities for more Ontarians to participate in the clean energy economy."
- Colin Andersen, CEO, Ontario Power Authority
"This is an important step as we continue to grow our clean energy economy. Ontario's commitment to renewable energy is cleaning up our air and creating good, local jobs across the province."
- Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Energy
The Ontario Power Authority is responsible for ensuring a reliable, sustainable supply of electricity for Ontario. Its key areas of focus are planning the power system for the long term, leading and co-ordinating conservation initiatives across the province, and ensuring development of needed generation resources.
SOURCE: Ontario Power Authority

Media Contact:
Tim Butters, Ontario Power Authority: 416-969-6307 / Toll Free: 1-800-797-9604
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