Ontario's Government Experts Charged with Fraud and Corrupting Public
These actions by activists are alleged to have resulted in the following offences:
- Did knowingly present false and misleading information in respect to the health and environmental risks associated with pesticide products regulated by the Federal Government to Municipal Officials and Councilors in a successful bid to influence the banning of pesticides by said officials through deceit and fraudulent means and did there by commit an offence contrary to Section 123 subsection 2 of the Criminal Code (R.S., 1985 c. C-46). - Did knowingly mislead the public, lawn care industry and government officials with the false pretence of having "peer reviewed studies" and endorsements of the Canadian Paediatric Society in an effort to defraud the lawn care industry access to products and there by commit an offence in excess of five thousand dollars contrary to Section 380 subsection 1 Criminal Code (R.S., 1985 c. C-46) - Did in addition by impeding access to Health Canada approved pesticide products through fraudulent means directly affect Ontario's lawn industry's $1.3 billion market contrary to Section 380 subsection 2 of the Criminal Code (R.S., 1985 c. C-46) - Did by working together conspire to prevent the supply of Health Canada approved pesticides in the Ontario market contrary to Section 45 subsection 1(a) and (d) Competition Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-34) - Did knowingly present false and misleading information through medical reports in respect to the health and environment risks associated with pesticide products regulated by the Federal Government under the Pest Control Products Act and did there by commit an offence contrary to Section 30 subsection 2 of the Pest Control Products Act.(2002, c.28)
These activists worked with the Ontario Government to ban pesticides using alleged false and misleading information to undermine the industry.
Names of the individuals charged will be withheld pending the Pre-Enquete hearing.
Lowes stated "this is like
M-REP Communications has been working with the industry across
M-REP Communications is a consulting services firm that provides support through a network of companies in
For further information: Jeffrey Lowes, M-REP Communications Director of Government & Industrial Relations, direct (613) 483-7855, fax (514) 221-4176, [email protected]
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