MONTREAL, April 19, 2012 /CNW Telbec/ - Earth Day is also a day for Quebec's earth science specialists. As geologists, geophysicists and engineers, we have a deep understanding of our planet.
Just like poets, but perhaps differently, we find inspiration in the Earth. In Quebec, we have travelled its every nook and cranny—from the Gaspé Peninsula to James Bay, from Abitibi to Nunavik. We have an abiding love for the Earth: it's our profession and our reality.
Our planet is rich in substances that contribute to the quality of life of all Quebeckers. Finding and extracting this value is not done with improvised formulas but with rigorous knowledge. Making these resources accessible to humans entails an exploration and development process that is long, costly and risky.
It's no accident that Quebec has become a global leader in mineral resources. We do our jobs professionally and ethically. We espouse the ideal of sustainable and responsible development. We work at the initial stages of a long process of transformation that provides strings for the guitarist, a computer for the student and instruments for the surgeon.
This scientific and technical challenge can indeed be reconciled with respect for the environment. Today's stringent procedures are a far cry from the laissez-faire attitudes of the past, which no one today accepts—and rightfully so. We want to leave our children an environmental legacy they can be proud of.
Quebec has vast mineral potential. The activity needed to develop it can exist alongside other types of activities in our province, with respect for all of its citizens.
To do so, we must build on our expertise and on a responsible vision of the future. This is what the 186 undersigned do every day.
Have a happy Earth Day!
Hrayr Agnerian, M.Sc., Geologist | Michel Jébrak, D.Sc., Geologist |
David Albert, B.Sc., Geologist | Vincent Jourdain, Ph.D., Engineer |
Guy Arbour, M.Sc.A., Engineer, Geophysicist | Annie Laberge, M.Sc., Geologist |
Paul Archer, M.Sc., Engineer | Martin Lacaille Dufresne, B.Sc.,Intern Geologist |
Marc Arpin, M.Sc., Geologist | Michel Lacey, B.Sc., Geologist |
Alexandre Aubiès-Trouilh, Ph.D., Geologist | André Laferrière, M.Sc., Geologist |
Mona Baker, M.Sc., Geologist | Sophie Lafontaine, B.Sc., Geologist |
Didier Barré, M.Sc., Geologist | Nancy Lafrance, M.Sc., Geologist |
Grégoire Bastien, B.Sc., Geologist | Benoit Lafrance, Ph.D., Geologist |
Mélanie Bathalon, B.Sc., Geologist | Jean-Yves Laliberté, M.Sc., Engineer |
Guillaume Beaudoin, B.Sc., Intern Geologist | Marie Josée Lamothe, B.Sc., Geologist |
Georges Beaudoin, Ph.D., Geologist | Nathalie Landry, B.Sc., Geologist |
Charles Beaudry, M.Sc., Geologist | Gilles Lanthier, B.Sc., Geologist |
Olivier Beaulieu, M.Sc., Geologist | Daniel Lapierre, B.Sc., Geologist |
Marc Beaumier, B.Sc., Geologist | Caroline Laplante, M.Sc., Geologist |
Normand Bédard, B.Sc., Geologist | Bernard Lapointe, Ph.D., Geologist |
Émilie Bédard, M.Sc., Geologist | Céline Larderaz, B.Sc., Geologist |
Alain Berclaz, M.Sc., Geologist | Julie Larouche, M.Sc., Geologist |
Martin Bergeron, B.Sc., Engineer | Nicolas Lavoie, B.Sc., Geologist |
Philippe Berthelot, B.Sc., Geologist | Jérôme Lavoie, M.Sc.A., Engineer Geologist |
Pierre Bérubé, B.Sc.A., Engineer Geophysicist | Geneviève Leblanc, M.Sc., Geologist |
Yolande Bisson, B.Sc.A., Engineer | Marc Legault, Ph.D., Geologist |
François Bissonnette, B.Sc., Geologist | Susie Léger, B.Sc., Geologist |
Michel Boily, Ph.D., Geologist | Eric Lemieux, M.Sc., Geologist |
Marc Boisvert, B.Sc.A., Engineer | Isabelle Lépine, M.Sc., Geologist |
Denis Boisvert, M.Sc., Geologist | Sylvain Lépine, M.Sc., Geologist |
Marc Boivin, B.Sc., Geologist | Pascal Lessard, B.Sc., Geologist |
Gilles Bonin, B.Sc.A., Engineer Geologist | Marc L'Heureux, M.Sc.A., Geologist |
François Bouchard, B.Sc., Geologist | Martin Liard, B.Sc., Geologist |
Alain Bouchard, B.Sc., Information Technology | Hugues Longuépée, Ph.D., Geologist |
Abdelkarim Boudalia, M.Sc., Geologist | Jean-Marc Lulin, Ph.D., Geologist |
Michel Brisebois, B.Sc., Geologist | Michel Malo, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer |
Tony Brisson, B.Sc., Geologist | Kateri Marchand, M.Sc., Geologist |
Harold Brisson, Ph.D., Geologist | Jill-Annette Marcotte, B.Sc., Geologist |
Karine Brousseau, B.Sc., Engineer | Bernard-Olivier Martel, B.Sc., Geologist |
Isabelle Cadieux, M.Sc.A., Geologist | Serge Massé, B.Sc., Geologist |
Jacques Carignan, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer | Mario Masson, B.Sc., Geologist |
Louis Caron, B.Sc., Geologist | Guillaume Matton, Ph.D., Geologist |
Alain Carrier, M.Sc., Geologist | Denis Mercier, B.Sc., Geologist and Engineer |
Normand Champigny, M.Sc.A., Engineer | Roger Moar, B.Sc, Geologist |
Rémi Charbonneau, Ph.D., Geologist | Ana Moldoveanu, B.Sc., Engineer Geologist |
John Charlton, B.Sc., Geologist | Patrick O'Leary, B.Sc., Geologist |
Philippe Cloutier, B.Sc., Geologist | Bryan Osborne, M.Sc., Geologist |
Robert Cloutier, B.Sc., Geologist | Robert Oswald, B.Sc., Geologist |
Félix-Antoine Comeau, M.Sc., Geologist | Mariam Ouangrawa, Ph.D., Geologist |
Marc Constantin, Ph.D., Geologist | Jean-François Ouellette, B.Sc., Geologist |
Olivier Côté-Mantha, Ph.D., Geologist | David Paquin, B.Sc., Geologist |
Pierre Cousineau, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer | Nathalie Pearson, B.Sc.A., Jr. Engineer |
Richard Dahl, Ph.D., Geologist | Vital Pearson, M.Sc.A., Geologist and Engineer |
Réal Daigneault, Ph.D., Geologist and Engineer | Chantal Pelchat, M.Sc., Geologist |
Jean-Sébastien David, B.Sc., Geologist | Carl Pelletier, B.Sc., Geologist |
Julien Davy, M.Sc., Geologist | Serge Perreault, M.Sc., Geologist |
Brigitte Dejou, M.Sc.A., Engineer | David Pitre, M.Sc., Engineer Geologist |
Jean Demers, B.Sc., Geologist | Marcel Plourde, B.Sc., Geologist |
Martin Demers, B.Sc., Geologist | Ghislain Poirier, M.Sc., Engineer |
Harold Desbiens, M.Sc., Geologist | Martin Poulin, M.Sc., Geologist |
Sylvain Desbiens, Ph.D., Geologist | Michel Proulx, M.Sc., Geologist |
Caroll Desormeaux, B.Sc., Jr. Engineer | Sylvie Prud'homme, B.Sc., Geologist |
Raphaël Doutre, M.Sc., Geologist | Louis R. Bernier, Ph.D., Geologist |
Bertrand Dubreuil, M.Sc., Chemist | Antoine R. Yassa, B.Sc., Geologist |
Richard Dubuc, B.Sc., Geologist | Colette Rainville, B.Sc., Geologist |
Yan Ducharme, M.Sc., Geologist | Michel Rheault, M.Sc., Geologist |
Richard Dupras St-Cyr, B.Sc., Geologist | Gérald Riverin, Ph.D., Geologist |
Lucie Dupuis, M.Sc., Geologist | Bruce Robbins, M.Sc.A., Geologist |
Abdellah El Bensi, B.Sc., Geologist | Claude Robillard, M.Sc.A., Geologist |
Francine Fallara, M.Sc.A., Geologist | René Robitaille, M.Sc., Engineer |
Stéphane Faure, Ph.D., Geologist | Guillaume Rogel, M.Sc., Geologist |
Georges Forest, B.Sc.A., Engineer Geologist | Gino Roger, B.Sc., Geologist |
Ghislain Fournier, B.Sc., Geologist | Yves Rougerie, B.Sc., Geologist |
Brigitte Gagné, M.Sc., Geologist | Gilles Roy, B.Sc., Geologist |
Mélanie Gagnon, B.Sc., Geologist | Marc Ruel, B.Sc., Geologist |
Amyot Gail, M.Sc., Engineer | Luc Saint-Pierre, M.Sc.A., Geologist |
Pierre André Garneau, M.Sc., Geologist | Mathieu Savard, B.Sc., Geologist |
Serge Gaudard, B.Sc., Geologist | Laury Schmitt, B.Sc., Engineer |
François Gaudreault, B.Sc., Geologist | Aliou Sene, M.Sc.A., Geologist |
André Gaumond, M.Sc., Geologist and Engineer | Desh Sikka, Ph.D., Geologist |
Jacquelin Gauthier, B.Sc.A., Engineer | Joël Simard, B.Sc.A., Geologist and Geophysicist |
Serge Genest, Ph.D., Geologist | Marjorie Simard, Ph.D., Intern Geologist |
Danielle Giovenazzo, Ph.D., Geologist | Rabah Smail, B.Sc., Geologist |
Jean Girard, B.Sc.A., Engineer | Philippe St-Germain, M.Sc., Geologist |
Marie-José Girard, M.Sc., Geologist | Bernard Tarte, B.Sc., Geologist |
Serge Gonthier, B.Sc., Geologist | Robert Thériault, Ph.D., Geologist |
Guy Gosselin, M.Sc.A., Geologist and Engineer | Christian Tremblay, M.Sc., Geologist |
François Goulet, M.Sc., Geologist | Elisabeth Tremblay, M.Sc.A., Geologist |
Normand Grégoire, B.Sc.A., Engineer | Sylvain Trépanier, M.Sc., Geologist |
Aurel Grigorita, M.Sc.A., Geologist | Samuel Trépanier, M.Sc., Geologist |
Olivier Grondin, M.Sc., Geologist | Bruno Turcotte, M.Sc., Geologist |
Valérie Hasik, M.Sc., Geologist | David Vachon, B.Sc., Geologist |
Tony Hawke, B.Sc., Geologist | Luciano Vendittelli, B.Sc., Geologist |
Danièle Héon, B.Sc., Geologist | Denys Vermette, M.Sc., Geologist |
François Huot, Ph.D., Geologist | Pierre Vincent, M.Sc., Geologist |
Laurence Huss, M.Sc.A., Geologist | Robert Wares, B.Sc., Geologist |
Jeff Hussey, B.Sc., Geologist | Kenneth Williamson, M.Sc., Geologist |
Jean-Marc Lulin, Ph. D., Geologist:
André Gaumond, M. Sc., Geologist and Engineer:
Ghislain Poirier, M. Sc., Engineer:
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