Ornge issues request for information on helicopter fleet renewal
MISSISSAUGA, ON, Feb. 12, 2014 /CNW/ - Ornge, Ontario's provider of air ambulance and related services, announced today it has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for helicopter fleet renewal.
As part of its three year strategic plan, Ornge has been assessing whether the organization has the most effective and efficient aircraft for its mission moving forward. While the current Ornge fleet of helicopters is safe and meets high standards for patient care, the RFI will allow Ornge to analyze whether the current AW139 model helicopters are the optimal aircraft to serve patients, or whether other alternatives exist that would provide enhanced patient care and better value for money.
"The best way to determine whether a different model of helicopter would be better suited to Ornge's mission is to go the market in a formal way and learn what our alternatives may be," said Dr. Andrew McCallum, President and CEO of Ornge. "Our intention is to investigate the market and gather information on available rotor wing aircraft that may be suitable for use in delivering reliable, responsive, and efficient air ambulance services."
The RFI is being conducted in an open and transparent fashion, respecting government procurement guidelines and the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act. In the event that a fleet renewal is found to be desirable based on the information gathered in the RFI, an additional procurement process will follow. Should this process proceed, Ornge would seek to finance the aircraft procurement through the sale or trade of the current fleet. The Request for Information can be accessed on Merx and Biddingo.
About Ornge
Ornge, a not-for-profit organization, co-ordinates all aspects of Ontario's air ambulance system, the critical care land transport program, paediatric transport program and the authorization of air and land ambulance transfers between hospitals.

Ornge Media Relations, 416-531-7577, [email protected]
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