OTF Grants Help Not-For-Profits Increase Their Impact in Communities across the Golden Horseshoe and Central Ontario Français
Ontario Trillium Foundation invests in local community groups
TORONTO, July 30, 2013 /CNW/ -
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is investing in 141 not-for-profit and charitable organizations in the Golden Horseshoe from Niagara to Toronto, and Haliburton and Muskoka in Central Ontario.
Many of the grants announced today will help local community organizations increase their impact and create sustainable benefits for residents and neighbourhoods. OTF funding will be used to create more opportunities to help families and individuals of all ages and abilities become more engaged in local community life through access to community programs and infrastructure.
In addition to Community grants, OTF is announcing 30 Province-Wide grants. The social and economic impact of this broad funding to larger organizations will benefit communities across the province.
"The Government of Ontario is proud to partner with our not-for-profit and charitable organizations to build strong and vibrant communities across the province. Not-for-profit and charitable organizations are well positioned to capitalize on local partnerships and collaborations thanks to the investments made by the Ontario Trillium Foundation that strengthen a variety of initiatives at the local level and throughout Ontario."
- Michael Chan, Ontario Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport
"OTF invests for impact in the community. Whether it's a new roof on the community hall, a strategic plan to move an arts group onto solid financial footing or a program to get more kids playing team sports, our grants help make all our communities healthier and more vibrant."
- Christine Clark Lafleur, Chair, Niagara Grant Review Team, OTF
"Collaboration, inclusion, and civic engagement - these are three areas in which OTF is particularly interested in because we know investing in these types of initiatives will have a profound impact on individuals and the communities they live in."
- Gayle Wadden, Chair, Halton-Peel Grant Review Team, OTF
"Community organizations know the needs of local individuals and families best. That's why we are so pleased to invest in community organizations across the region - the goals are well known and the benefits sustainable."
- Savi Singh, Chair, Simcoe-York Grant Review Team, OTF
Community grants
Big Brothers Big Sisters Oshawa-Whitby (Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge)
$71,700 over two years to hire a coordinator who will recruit and train new volunteers for the mentor-matching program and work collaboratively with the other Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies in Durham Region to develop a shared community-and-volunteer-engagement strategy
Eden Food Bank (Halton-Peel)
$225,000 over three years to provide programming at the Community Learning Kitchen in Mississauga that will help low-income individuals improve cooking skills and healthy eating habits and give them the necessary skills to prepare healthy meals and live healthier lifestyles.
Hamilton Out of the Cold Program Coalition (Hamilton)
$54,600 over two years to coordinate, engage and retain volunteers who support serving meals to the homeless. Funding will also support the development of a strategic and stability plan for the organization.
Early Childhood Community Development Centre (Niagara)
$150,000 over two years to provide early science and technology skills- and play-based learning kits to be used by trained child care workers and community volunteers at 175 licensed child care centres in Niagara. Funding will be used to create a website, buy kits providing lifelong learning to 6,000 children, and deliver training sessions to 1,000 educators.
Goodwill Industries of Toronto (Simcoe-York)
$132,700 over two years to develop and implement a volunteer service program by hiring a volunteer coordinator in York-Simcoe. This project will increase employment opportunities for 245 volunteers over a two year period by engaging them in opportunities to gain skills and develop positive work habits while contributing to the community.
East Scarborough Storefront (Toronto)
$53,300 over one year to develop a five-year operational plan. The project will engage 35 service delivery agencies as well as 40 neighbourhood groups, organizations and agencies, to ensure the new plan will strengthen the economic, social and physical infrastructure of the Kingston Galloway and Orton Park community of Toronto.
Muskoka Conservancy, as lead organization on this collaborative
$113,000 over two years to create a flagship shoreline-stewardship program that will build community-wide awareness of water-quality issues and shoreline-management options. This will help to improve the quality of Muskoka's shorelines and wildlife habitat connectivity, reduce human impact on lake and river water quality, and empower landowners to undertake simple shoreline restoration projects.
Province-Wide grant
Ontario University Athletics
$265,900 over two years to align university athletic programs with Long Term Athlete Development models of eight provincial sport organizations. This will ensure a more seamless sport system, and provide enhanced opportunities for student athletes to stay in Ontario for their post-secondary athletic experience. Funding will also support a partnership with the Ontario Football Alliance to deliver a grassroots program to encourage youth football across the province.
- List of Community grants in Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge
- List of Community grants in Halton Peel
- List of Community grants in Hamilton
- List of Community grants in Niagara
- List of Community grants in Simcoe-York
- List of Community grants in Toronto
- About OTF Province-Wide grants
The leading grant-maker in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives. An agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF helps build healthy and vibrant communities.
SOURCE: Ontario Trillium Foundation

Alexis Mantell [email protected] or 1.800.263.2887 ext. 218
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