Payment and transport home confirmed for Jana crew
HALIFAX, Dec. 2, 2014 /CNW/ - International Transport Workers Federation (ITF UNIFOR) Inspector Gerard Bradbury has confirmed that the crew of the Jana will be receiving payment in full today for wages owing to them since July. Six crew members who requested repatriation will also be sent home this week.
"We are just relieved that this situation has been resolved and these crew members can go back to their families," said Bradbury. "The community has been very supportive and the crew wishes to express their thanks for the food, water and help that they have received over the last few months."
The vessel and its crew have been stranded in the port of Argentia, Newfoundland for several months without pay as the ITF worked to contact the absentee owners. The ITF and FFAW-Unifor helped to ensure the crew remained safe and healthy after running out of onboard supplies and as the temperatures dropped.
Bradbury will be at the vessel in Argentia late Tuesday morning.
SOURCE: International Transport Workers Federation
Gerard Bradbury at 902-441-2195.
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