MISSISSAUGA, ON, Nov. 20, 2020 /CNW/ -- Axon (Nasdaq: AAXN), the global leader in connected law enforcement technologies, and its subsidiary Axon Public Safety Canada, Inc., today announced that the Peel Regional Police (PRP) is deploying 1,200 Axon Body 3 cameras along with an additional 515 licenses (1,715 total) to its digital evidence management solution, Axon Evidence. This order was received in the third quarter of 2020 and will ship in multiple phases over Q4 2020, Q1 and Q2 2021.
The Axon Body 3 is Axon's first Long-Term-Evolution-connected camera. It offers live streaming capabilities for authorized users to view an incident that is happening in the field, in real-time. This would allow PRP the ability to provide remote support to their officers and community in cases where it may be unsafe for partners, such as mental health professionals, to attend in person.
PRP will also be one of the first police services in Canada to utilize Axon Performance, allowing them to streamline the review process to ensure that officers wearing cameras are operating within agency guidelines and policies to maximize public trust in their body worn camera program.
"We have embarked on a digital innovation and technology roadmap to not just simply adopt contemporary technology platforms, but to leverage them beyond traditional methods to enhance public safety and increase the effectiveness of our front line," says Peel Regional Police Chief Nishan Duraiappah. "These are the types of initiatives which I and the team have committed to accelerating in order to build resiliency within our community."
Deputy Chief Anthony Odoardi, Officer in Charge of the Innovation and Technology Command, is committed to ensuring that the needs of officers and the community are met through this tech innovation.
"As we continue to modernize our organization, our vision is to utilize available innovation and technology tools to enhance community safety and well-being while demonstrating the professionalism of our frontline members. PRP has taken a leading role in introducing the concept and framework for providing real-time enhanced services, utilizing body-worn camera live-stream technology," Deputy Chief Odoardi says. "These opportunities include utilizing embedded medical professionals in our real-time operations centre to assist frontline members in safely supporting persons in crisis. We also look to provide social supports in real-time that would otherwise not be achieved through traditional response models."
"Our mission has always been to protect life. By enabling services to streamline review processes and reduce time spent on administrative tasks, we can immediately help first responders and public safety officials reduce their time at the office and spend more time with the community," says Axon's Managing Director for Canada, Vishal Dhir. "We strongly believe Axon Performance can help build community trust and increase public confidence as Peel Regional Police deploy their body camera program."
Peel Regional Police will also be updating all of its interview rooms to the latest version of Axon Interview while leveraging the same cloud-based repository, Axon Evidence, to further achieve a centralized and robust digital evidence management system.
With Axon Evidence, PRP can manage and share digital evidence more efficiently, both internally and externally, including with local Crown Attorneys. They will also have access to world-class digital evidence management tools such as AI-based redaction, auto-tagging evidence and automated transcription resulting in cost and time savings for the police service.
For more information, visit https://ca.axon.com/products/cameras/axon-body-3/ and https://ca.axon.com/products/software/axon-performance/
About Axon Public Safety Canada
Axon Public Safety Canada is a subsidiary of Axon Enterprise Inc. and is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Axon is a network of devices, apps, and people that help law enforcement and public safety personnel become smarter and safer. With a mission of protecting life, our technologies give customers the confidence, focus and time they need to keep their communities safe. Our products impact every aspect of a public safety officer's day-to-day experience.
We work hard for those who put themselves in harm's way for all of us. To date, more than 241,000 lives and countless dollars have been saved with the Axon network of devices, apps and people. Learn more at https://ca.axon.com or by calling (800) 978-2737. Axon is a global company with headquarters in Scottsdale, Ariz. and global software engineering hub in Seattle, Wash., as well as additional offices in Australia, Finland, Vietnam, the UK and the Netherlands.
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