Pickering a key low-cost source of electricity in Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan
Nuclear Workers launch www.Pickering2024.com
PICKERING, ON, Jan. 11, 2017 /CNW/ - To mark the one-year anniversary of the Ontario Government's decision to operate Pickering to 2024, the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council (CNWC) has launched an online effort to provide the facts about this important component of the province's energy future, while giving Ontarians an opportunity to voice their support.
On Jan. 11, 2016, the Ontario Government announced Ontario Power Generation's Pickering facility would operate until 2024 as a critical element of Ontario's energy supply mix, generating low-cost, reliable electricity while supporting jobs, economic growth, clean air and a reliable supply of Cobalt-60. This announcement was reiterated in the Speech from the Throne and it is important the facts about the incredibly positive role this facility plays in the province are well understood, said David Shier, National Director of the CNWC.
"The Wynne Government made this decision after conducting an in-depth cost-benefit analysis of all electricity options in the province," Shier said. "Pickering Nuclear supports the continued reliability of Ontario's electricity system, the life-extension programs at Bruce Power and Darlington, the delivery of the province's near-term climate change commitments, and the assurance that electricity customers receive the full benefit of this provincially owned asset."
Shier said the operation of Pickering to 2024 will save Ontario electricity consumers $600 million and will generate low-cost electricity while reliably providing 3,100 megawatts of carbon-free power 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
"There are opposition groups spreading misinformation about this important part of our energy plan. It's important we remind people about the facts and to allow the facility's broad base of supporters in the Pickering/Durham areas, and across Ontario, to have their voices heard," he said. "Pickering plays a key role in Ontario's electricity supply mix, stimulates the economy and provides good jobs to 4,500 people in the Durham Region and surrounding areas."
In 2016, Pickering Nuclear saved Ontario consumers $600 million as it receives only seven cents per megawatt/hour for its power, significantly less than the average residential price of 11 cents.
"Pickering does this while operating its units with the utmost safety. In fact, in 2016, Pickering was awarded a top safety rating by the independent regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. When you consider it has a lower cost to consumers than most other supply options, produces no carbon emissions, and is a reliable and safe source of power, it's necessary to keep the Pickering facility open until 2024 as planned."
Sign the petition and learn more at www.pickering2024.com.
About the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council, the collective voice of Unionized Workers in Canada's Nuclear Industries
The Canadian Nuclear Workers Council, founded in 1993, is an umbrella organization of Unions representing workers in all sectors of the Canadian nuclear industry. Represented sectors include electric power utilities, uranium mining and processing, radioisotope production for medical and industrial purposes and nuclear research.
SOURCE Canadian Nuclear Workers' Council

David Shier, National Director, Canadian Nuclear Workers Council, 705-725-3902, [email protected]
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