Positive Reaction to Beer Store ownership offer to all Ontario brewers
TORONTO, Jan. 7, 2015 /CNW/ - Reaction to major changes announced today by the Beer Store was swift, and many commentators and craft brewers have been supportive.
The Beer Store announced that ownership is being opened up to all Ontario-based brewers, and small Ontario brewers will have their listing fees reduced as well as adding the flexibility to more easily introduce seasonal brands.
These changes will allow small brewers to have a seat at the table in building the Beer Store. Together, Ontario's brewers can help build a strong retail channel offering convenience, selection, and the lowest average beer prices in Canada.
Here's what people are saying:
"Huge change at the Beer Store. The foreign-conglomerate-owned retailer is opening ownership to small brewers, slashing stocking fees," David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen
"Hopefully we'll have our two existing six-packs into those stores immediately" Paul Meek, Kichesippi Beer Company, Canadian Press
"Agreed the changes don't blow up the system. But they are more than cosmetic…eliminating (some) listing fees for smallest brewers is a concrete step. Boosts choice a bit too." -- Josh Rubin, Toronto Star reporter, on Twitter
"Big news for Ontario Brewers: The Beer Store Opens Ownership to All Ontario Breweries http://www.canadianbeernews.com/2015/01/07/the-beer-store-opens-ownership-to-all-ontario-breweries/ … " Cool Brewery, on Twitter
"Big news for @OntCraftBrewers today from @mybeerstore." Amsterdam Brewery, on twitter.
"But Paul Meek at Kichesippi Beer Co. in Ottawa — one of the small brewers in the province selling fewer than one million litres a year — says the change will allow him to get his product to new customers and save thousands of dollars he would've had to pay to get listed at the Beer Store before. 'We're going to find out exactly how those rules work and make some calls and hopefully have our two existing six-packs into those stores immediately,' said Meek. Meek said having small brewers at the table is a big step in the right direction." CBC online: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/beer-store-opens-ownership-to-all-ontario-based-brewers-1.2892251
"The new @mybeerstore deal marks a new era for the Beer Store. Giving the Ontario consumer a wider selection." United Food and Commercial Workers, on Twitter.
"Now, little Ontario breweries won't have to pay a listing fee for stocking two of their offerings at the five outlets closest to their operation. That will almost immediately increase the selection of local beer across the province." Toronto Star, Peter Edwards, thestar.com
SOURCE The Beer Store

Bill Walker, [email protected], 416-624-3936
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